Like Father, Like Son
"On my 18th birthday, Spike pulled a surprise party for me. I know. It was the biggest shock of my life, and that's saying a lot. Dad never did anything that gained him nothing.
Pretty much everyone in our apartment building was there, including some of his demon friends all over Sunnydale. Clem managed to show up too.
Beer was passed around and two strippers by the name of Bunny and Candy came knocking on the door rather than popping out of a big cake. Neither were cute, but to a bunch of drunk demons, they were hotter than Pamela Anderson and Jennifer Lopez combined.
It was the first time I had fun and got drunk with the man who sired me in the old fashioned way. It was also the first time, in a long time, the two of us laughed and got along together."
(Describing his 18th
birthday party)
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