Green Dreams

            "Isn't it strange, Dad? While every kid in the world are wishing for puppies, snow days, and toys this Christmas, I'm just praying for you and Mom."
(5 years old
Journal entry: 478)
             "I watched you falter today, Dad. How I wish I can tell you how much I believe in you, how much Mom believes in you."
(13 years old
Journal Entry: 1365)

             "I watched you die today, Mom. I saw your fear and I saw your relief. And I want you to know that I understand. I get it."

(14 years old
Journal Entry: 1534)

          "Mom . . . I want you to know how happy I am to finally be here with you and Dad, that you finally know I exist. I can finally say that I'm your son completely."
(21 years old
Journal Entry: 3445)

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