Andrea's Radical Skittle Webpage for the Sexy People
About Me | Pics of *ME* and my sexy friends.. | Friends Photo Album (pt. 2) | Friends Photo Album (pt. 3) | Shoutouts to the Sexy People | Sexy Tennis Players | soulDecision Pics! | Mark Wahlberg Photo Gallery | Related Links | Contact Me | Pics of Andrea(last year) | Andrea(as of 1/8/03)

Welcome to my web site!!

Hey people! I decided to finally take the time and make a neat, innovative web page to share all my ideas, pics, etc!! I got the wonderful idea to make a web page from my best friend, **April Faye**, she's my soul sista for life, I love her to death. PANCAKE WOMAN AND WAFFLE WOMAN UNITE!! WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE....(don't ask)

This site is mainly here so I can express my ideas, tell you all about myself and my hobbies, and give shoutouts to my friends!!

I'll also tell you about some of my favorite bands, movies, actors, TV shows, etc.

I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back often.

We hope to update this page often with new photos. Please be sure to sign the guestbook below and let me know what you think.

Gustavo Kuerton, worlds #1 ranked singles tennis player; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Above is a picture of my favorite tennis player, the #1 ranked singles player...Gustavo "Guga" Kuerton!

What's New?

Here I'll add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change.

1/8/03 - Changed around my whole site, added pics, and changed my shoutouts page.
3/12/2002 - Updated my shoutouts page, and info page!!
1/10/2002 - Updated the pics, and shoutouts page!!
10/27/2001 - Created Andrea's Radical Skittle Webpage for the Sexy People!

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