as the other mike says it seems like the arizona requirements to get a drivers license will be proof of american citizenship and an arizona drivers license will also be a bonifide internal passport.

this article in la voz says that the state of arizona will no longer accept drivers license from other states as valid identification to get an arizona drivers license because it doesnt prove us citizenship.

No a licencias de otros estados

Por Valeria Fernndez
La Voz
Sept. 1, 2004 10:38 AM

Las licencias de conducir de indocumentados de otros estados ya no sern aceptadas como una forma de identificacin primaria para obtener otra licencia, anunci el Departamento de Motores y Vehculos (MVD, por sus siglas en ingls).

El pasado 25 de agosto entr en vigor la ley SB 1232, aprobada en la Legislatura Estatal, la cual no permitir que residentes de otros estados que se mudan a Arizona utilicen ese documento como el principal comprobante para conseguir una nueva licencia.

En su lugar, MVD seguir aceptando certificados de nacimiento de los Estados Unidos, permisos de trabajo y la tarjeta de residencia entre algunos, mientras que la licencia de otros estados pasar a ser un documento secundario de identificacin.

Actualmente es necesario presentar por lo menos dos tarjetas de identidad con fotografa, una de los cuales tiene mayor importancia que la otra y es considerado como "primaria.

Con el cambio no se reconocern las licencias de 19 estados donde no se requiere prueba de residencia legal para obtener el documento, explic Cydney DeMonica, portavoz del MVD.

translated by google

To licenses of other states
By Valeria Fernandez
the Voice
Sept. 1, 2004 10:38 A.M.

the licenses not to lead of undocumented people of other states no longer will be accepted as a form of?primaria identification? in order to obtain another license, it announced the Department of Motors and Vehicles (MVD, by its abbreviations in English). The past 25 of August took effect law SB 1232, approved in the State Legislature, which will not allow that resident of other states that are changed to Arizona they use that document like the main comprobante to obtain a new license. In their place, MVD will continue accepting certified of birth of the United States, permissions of work and the card of residence between some, whereas the license of other states happens to be a secondary document of identification. At the moment it is necessary to present/display at least two identity cards with photography, one of which has greater importance than the other and is considered like "primary. With the change the licenses of 19 states will not be recognized where test of legal residence is not required to obtain the document, Cydney DeMonica explained, spokesman of the MVD.

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