Subject: Message from Kevin
Date: Mon 06/28/04 02:54 PM

Dear everyone,

I have just received in the mail a hand-written, pencil message signed "Kevin" with a return address:

"Kevin Walsh, c/o
Maricopa Medical Center,
Desert Vista Campus, #101,
570 West Brown Road,
Mesa, Arizona 85201"

I am transcribing the message below. I am also sending a copy to Kevin's regular e-mail, just in case this hand-written message is not authentic. I have no reason to doubt it, however. I have not received any e-mail from Kevin for several days and this message might explain that somewhat unusual silence.

Anyone closer than I am to the Mesa, AZ, facility or to Kevin's home might want to check this out and, if anyone can do so, please sent me a note on what you find out. I would appreciate it.

Best regards!

Eric Mueller


Dear Eric,

I was ambushed by a SWAT team yesterday. I tried to draw my weapon to end my own life, but they were on me too fast, and I was unable to do so. I sustained a taser burn but no other injuries.

I was told the Secret Service ordered me to be psychiatrically evaluated for involuntary committal, and that this was the reason for my arrest. It seems I am likely to spend the rest of my life either as a prisoner or as a mental patient. I am being confined at a mental hospital for evaluation. Probably I won't be here more than a few days before I'm transfered. I will write again from my new location if they allow it. Please tell my e-mail correspondents what has happened, particularly *********@*********.********* and (********* *********) .



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