
Bahouki are a fiddle and guitar duo who have been playing to live audiences for 12 years in Europe and more recently together in Asia for the last 3 years.

Together they have been touring around the Delaney's Irish Pub chain in Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia.

This photo was taken at the 1997 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Heaven and Hell Ball"

Bahouki are David May who plays fiddle, mandolin and sings backing vocals, and John Hutton who plays guitar, harmonica, the fool and sings.

Though mainly concentrating on Celtic music, they are likely to throw in some country, and complete nonsensical songs! They are both extremely experienced in dealing with live audiences and each performance is packed with energy.

John says:

"If I wasn't playing with Bahouki I'd be out there watching them!"

They are both full time musicians (i.e. don't have a 'real' job) and are extremely mobile, good looking (see photo above!), and are sure to charm any crowd they encounter.

Have a listen to Bahouki (you will need RealPlayer G2), click on your choice of the following:

Raggle Taggle Gypsy

Pink Panther

Bunker Hill

Cigarettes and Whiskey

Bahouki can be contacted here. For any references of excellence, contact Dan Riley, GM of Delaney's Hong Kong here, or on (+852) 2301 3980