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Bath Batt Bott Family
Monthly E-Magazine Downloads

Q. What is a Electronic Magazine?
A. An Electronic Magazine (E-Mag) is an off line program that allows you to view information similar to that of a regular paper magazine. This program is totally self contained in a single executable (.exe) file. It contains articles, pictures, topics of interest, stories, editorials, recipes, geneologic information, upcoming events etc.....

Q. Is this program Free?
A. Yes, 100% Free.

Q. What do I need to view the E-Mag?
A. Any computer running Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, DOS 3.0 or better, Lynux and Unix. This program has not been tested on MAC, but I hope to soon port it to operate on Mac soon.

Q. I have heard about all the viruses out there and am concerned about downloading any file from the internet. Is this program safe?
A. Yes, very much so. This program is run through numerous different virus scanners before uploading to the website. The programs that I use to scan the programs for possible viruses are: F-Prot (best scan I have ever found), McAffee, Thunderbyte, Norton Virus Scan. Therefore, each E-Mag is guaranteed 100% virus free prior to uploading to the website or sent by email attachment. However, I strongly encourage everyone to always have a virus scanner running when working online. If you would like to know where you can download an excellent virus scanner, please contact me and I will direct you to the locations.

Q. Can I submit my information so it can be included in the E-Mag and will I get credit for my submissions?
A. Your submissions are not only welcomed, but encouraged. Everything that you submit, you will be given 100% credit for.

Q. What kind of submissions are acceptable?
A. Anything pertaining to one of the following topics.
  • Family Photos. Please ensure that they are in one of the following formats: jpg, gif, bmp, pcx.
  • Research Information. Including links, contacts, family history, obituaries, family stories. Please submit any text submissions in either windows note pad (.txt) or windows write (.wri).
  • Recipes
  • Old Remedies. We all can benefit from the remedies of our ancestors. Herbology is the way our family maintained their health for centuries. Other remedies may include plasters, castor oil, whatever you have.
  • Jokes & Cartoons. Laughter is a good medicine. (Please keep them clean)
  • Editorials. We can all benefit from hearing what others feel about different issues.
  • Classified Ads. Do you have something to sell, trade, give away, need? Are you searching for someone and need a way of possibly finding them? Use this forum for free exposure.
  • Upcoming Events
  • .

    Q. Can I advertise my website in the E-Mag?
    A. Yes, definately.

    Q. Can I become a regular contributer to the E-Mag.
    A. Yes! Please contact me for further information.

    Q. To who do I submit my data for the E-Mag?
    A. You can submit your information or anything else you have to either: Elaine McDowell, Ron Greenwald, or E-Mag Editor.
    Q. Where can I get the E-Mag?
    A. Click on the links below and download it.

    Q. I have other questions pertaining to the E-Mag, where can I get further information?
    A. Click RIght Here and email me for more information.


    May 2001 E-Mag
    Premier Introductory Issue

    June 2001
    View New Additions


    July 2001
    Upcoming Issue


    Bath, Batt, Bott Family Website

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    All Photos On This Website Are Copyrighted And Registered.
    All Photos Contain A Unremovable Watermark Denoting Ownership To This Website.
    Unauthorized Use Of Any Information On This Site Punishable By Law
    Contact: Elaine McDowell or Ron Greenwald
    for reproduction information

    Webmaster: C. A. Case