CINCINNATI CATCHERS Best Defensive Rankings |
The 167 Reds' catchers defensive stats (only while playing for Cincinnati) were tabulated.
Each of the six stats (Games Caught Percent, Assists per Game, Errors per Game, Double Plays per Game, Passed Balls per Game,
and Fielding Percentage) were compared to the league averages. A value of greater than 1.000 means BETTER THAN THE LEAGUE. A
value less than 1.000 means WORSE THAN THE LEAGUE. A value of exactly 1.000 means EQUALS LEAGUE AVERAGE. The six categories'
comparisons were then averaged to form an Overall Defensive Score. The following array of catchers (the 56 with 3 or more years with Cincinnati) is presented in order of
OVERALL BEST to WORST. To see the comparative scores, Click Here for Defensive Stats that comprise the Score. |