1B | Single | |
2B | Double | |
3B | Triple | |
AB | At Bats (Does not include walks, hit by pitch or Sacrifice Flies) | |
AB/HR | Home Runs per At Bat Ratio | |
AB/K | Strikeouts per At Bat Ratio | |
AVG | Batting Average H/AB | |
BB | Bases on Balls | |
BR | Batting Runs Total
Baseball BR=(.47)1B + (.78)2B + (1.09)3B + (1.4)HR + (.33)(BB + HB) + (.22)SB - (.45)CS - (.25)(AB-H) |
G | Games Played | |
GB | Ground Balls | |
GIDP | Grounded Into Double Play | |
GRD | Ground Balls | |
H | Hits | |
HBP | Hit By Pitch | |
HP/PA | Hit Pitches per Plate Appearance | |
HR | Home Run | |
IBB | Intentional Bases on Balls | |
ISO | Isolated Power [ (TB-H)/AB ] or SLG-AVG | |
OBP | On Base Percentage (H+BB+HBP) / (AB+BB+HBP+SF) | |
OM | Outs Made PA-H-BB-HBP+CS+GIDP | |
OOB | Outs On Base Total
Baseball OOB=H + BB + HBP - LOB - R - CS |
OPS | Production OBP + SLG | |
PA | Plate Appearance (AB+BB+HBP+SF+SH) | |
R | Runs | |
RBI | Runs Batted In | |
RC | Runs Created Bill James [(H+BB)*TB] / [AB+BB] | |
RC/G | Runs Created per Game (RC*27)/OM | |
RG | Runs Generated Jim McMartin (.35)(TB + BB) - (.25)(AB - H) | |
RP | Runs Produced RBI+R-HR | |
SECA | Secondary Average [ (TB-H+BB+SB-CS)/AB ] | |
SF | Sacrifice Fly | |
SH | Sacrifice Hits | |
SLG | Slugging Percentage TB/AB | |
SO | Strike Outs | |
TA | Total Average
[TB+SB+BB+HBP-CS] / [AB-H+CS+GIDP] Bases Gained / Outs Made |
TB | Total Bases H + 2B + (2 x 3B) + (3 x HR) | |
TPW | Total Player Wins (Total Baseball) | |
WS | Win Shares (Bill James) | |
A | Assists | |
CCS | Caught Stealing (On Throws by Catchers) | |
Ch | Chances (Balls hit to a position) | |
CERA | Earned Run Average when Catching | |
DP | Double Plays | |
E | Errors | |
FPct | Fielding Percentage (PO+A) / (PO+A+E) | |
FR | Fielding Runs (Above/Below Avg of 0.0) | |
G | Games Played | |
GC | Games Caught | |
GS | Games Started | |
INN | Innings | |
PB | Passed Balls | |
PO | Put Outs | |
RF | Range Factor [ (PO+A) (9) ] / # of Defensive Innings | |
SBA | Stolen Bases Attempted (Against the Catcher) | |
TC | Total Chances [ PO+A+E ] | |
ZR | Zone Rating # of Outs made/# of Chances | |
CS | Caught Stealing (On Throws by Catchers or Pickoffs by Pitchers) | |
CS% | Caught Stealing Percentage | |
SB | Stolen Bases | |
SB% | Stolen Base Percentage SB / (SB+CS) | |
SBA | Stolen Base Attempt |