In addition, there are several ways to modify the default search behavior.
- phrase search
The search engine supports three types of phrase search.
- To match an exact phrase, use quotes around the phrase
Example: "free search engine"
- To match a near (within a couple of words) phrase, use
square brackets [around the words]
Example: [free search engine]
- To match a far (within several words) phrase, use braces { around the words }
Example: {free search engine}
- + and - qualifiers
If you prepend a word with + that word is required to be on the page.
If you prepend a word with
- that word is required to not be on the page.
Example: +always -never
- * wildcard
If a query word ends with a * all words on a page which start the same way as that
query word will match.
Example: Pierz* [searching for A.J. Pierzynski but don't know how his name is spelled]
- ? wildcard
If a query word contains a ? any character will match that position.
Example: ba?e [Will produce pages containing babe, bare, & base]
- boolean search
You can use the following boolean operators in your search:
AND, OR, NOT. These operators MUST be in capital letters.
Example: (catcher AND mask) OR (gear AND catcher)
All of these techniques can be combined: +alway* -ne??r*
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