War Shots: 2001 IR/CWCC Nationals - Photos by Dianne Detommaso

Steve Andrews Steve Andrews
Steve Andrews works on his unusually painted Veribus Unitis-class battleship. That's Brandon Graham beside him.
Larry Ricci David's North Carolina
Larry Ricci talks up the hobby with his son David's USS North Carolina, shown in the accompanying photo, in front.
Ken Kelly
Ken Kelly hold court in the pitts. That's Chris Decker on the left and my SMS Hindenburg in the foreground.
Matt and Carl
Matt Moury prepares the SMS von der Tann for launch while Carl Camurati checks out the IJN Yamato behind him.
Some action shots from Friday's battling.
David Ricci recovers Brandon's HMS Invincible. The water here was a little deeper than we expected, but Cameron's Boat Recovery Service came through (Cam is swimming in from the right).
Dave Vogtman recovers the sunken USS North Carolina. The "Vogtman Recovery Device" failed to deploy this time.

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