War Shots: 2001 IR/CWCC NorthEast Spring Regionals

Greenbriar State Park was again the site of the IR/CWCC NorthEast Spring Regional Battle May 12-13, 2001. At least 17 boats engaged in the first sortie on Saturday, with captains coming from as far as New York and a scale modeler, Peter Lienau, coming in from Germany! Best of all he brought parts and experience that will help me make the SMS Hindenburg look even better.

Stuart Haller flew in from Florida to experience our "Magnificent Obsession" in person and took this group of photos.

SMS Hindenburg in the Rain

"Let the Battle Begin!"

Peter looks over the Hindenburg

Peter looks over the Hindenburg

Sunday Morning Damage

The "Pits" lakeside

This page © Copyright 2001, Thomas L. Tanner, Jr. unless otherwise noted.