Home Life in Lothian

Hey Gang, these are a few pictures of my life in the wilds of Lothian, MD. I hope you enjoy them.

Wedding Party
Well, this is how it all began - this is how I got civilized by the blushing bride in white on the right. Tony, you remember Dr. Dana, right? Sorry, too slow - she got married in 1997 - to an OB/GYN.
The Puppy
This is a picture of Buster the day we got him in October, 1997. Of course the first thing he did when he arrived was to go to the carpet in the den and leave a puddle to show how happy he was to be here.
The Spread
Here is the front of our house that Spring, January 1998. The right-hand top twenty feet of the split-truck Poplar tree in the foreground had just dropped to the ground that morning. A little too close for me. But it did provide some nice firewood.
B & C
That April we took Buster to the beach in Ocean City to introduce him to the Atlantic. Here Colleen takes him for a break on our way out there. He loved the water, especially fetching sticks from out of the waves.
Happy New Years!
Here is the family shot I took last New Year's Eve. We went out with an old school friend of hers and she got blitzed, something she doesn't normally do when we go out (that's my job;-) )
Watch It!
This is Col's "Don't mess with me" picture. Actually a pretty good photo of her.
Happy Halloween
Here is a shot of Buster with my "award winning" Halloween pumpkin. One of our neighbors is a real estate agent and holds little neighborhood competitions to keep his name out there. Must work, most of the home sales in our neighborhood have been done through him (including ours.)
12 Down 8 to go! Katya
In 1999, with 12 years in the Naval Reserves under my belt I decided to re-enlist for another 4. For a change of pace I decided to have the ceremony aboard the sloop USS Constellation in Baltimore Harbor. Giving me the oath was a friend of mine, Commander Matt Moury. And one of the relatives who came out to watch was my niece, Katerena, who was being a bit anti-social that day.
Did I mention I'm an uncle (several times over at this point:-). This is my other niece, Jordan, helping Buster celebrate Col's birthday in Dec., 1999. Funny thing about this picture. My mother-in-law wanted to take a picture of these two together, so we got them side-by-side, but standing. Then I gave Buster the command "Sit" and they both plopped their butts down.
Snickers Snickers Again
When I got home from working the midnight shift New Years Eve/Day 2000, I found this scared little mutt under the old Toyota Tercel. I got him some food, water and put him in Buster's cage in the house. Colleen took a liking to him and called him "Snickers." I took this photo for the "Dog Found" poster I put up in the area. A week later we got a call from a family down the road. Turns out his name was "Sunshine" and he had gotten spooked by New Years Eve fireworks and ran away. He is now reunited with his family.
Buster Buster Buster
In case you haven't seen enough of Buster, here are some more photos.
Ernie Ernie
Did I mention we have a cat? Seems one of Col's co-workers was re-assigned and she volunteered to take the cat. They called it Ernest, but we just call it Ernie.
Cat Nap Cat Nap
Here the kids enjoy their favorite past-time - sleeping on the bed. Surprisingly Buster and Ernie get along with each other quite well.
Snowed In Snowed In Snowed In
In January 2000 Mother Nature dropped 13 inches of snow on our front door, and roof, and driveway, and lawn ... you get the picture. Thank God for kids with lawn tractors and snow blowers wanting to make money!
Moorea Sunset
In April-May, 2001, we went to San Francisco and Moorea, Tahiti, for Bert's wedding. Here are a few photos...

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This page © Copyright 2000, Thomas L. Tanner, Jr. unless otherwise noted.