CLASSMATE DIRECTORY We now have a computer version of the Class Directory. You can get your own copy of this file by making a modest donation to the BCHS Class of '55 Reunion Committee ($5 or more). This is a fund-raising project. The proceeds will be used to finance annual mailings of newsletters and data forms to classmates. To obtain your copy of the Directory, email Bill Myers with your request, advising him that you have made your donation to the Committee.
(To respect classmates' privacy, we do not post names and addresses on the web site) BATTLE CREEK DAYS PICNIC
The 70th annual Battle Creek Days picnic was held in Lakeland, Florida, on February 22. Over 600 people were in attendance. Classmate and co-chairman of the BC Days reservations committee, Art Ruthruff, announced the event several weeks in advance, inviting our Florida residing classmates to join in the fun. The word spread, and we were represented by several of our old friends. Here is a report from "Roving Reporter" Bill Myers: "Mary and I drove up to Lakeland toaday for the 70th annual Battle Creek Day picnic. We got there about 10:30, wandered around, talked to all sorts of people, and passed out about 50 copies of the missing classmates list (from the BCHS class of '55) . I talked on WBCK radio, too, and made a pitch for help finding the lost classmates. "We sat at a table of strangers to eat lunch and now have some new (if we ever see them again) friends. There were about a half dozen of the BCHS '55 Classmates there, and most of us went to Art's house after lunch for a quieter 'reunion'. We took some pictures for the class web site. We were home again just before dark. It was a good day. We'll go again next year. Maybe we'll get Dad to go with us. He could have won the prize toaday for oldest man in attendance. We did see (friends) Betty Jennings and Mike Dawson." Attending Classmates: Bill Myers, Art Ruthruff, Jo Sackett Robertson, Sheila Losey Buckner, Janice Babcock Standley, Loretta Moles Boone, Emily Edding Hanke. (Emily and Janice did not go to Art's after the picnic.) Emails from some of the attendees also confirm that a good time was had by all, and that many will return for next year's event. L-R: Sheila Losey Buckner, Art Ruthruff, Jo Sackett Robertson, Bill Myers, Loretta Moles Boone Back row: Art and Donna Ruthruff, Bill and Mary Jo Myers, Loretta Moles Boone Front row: Sheila Losey Buckner, Jo Sackett Robertson, (Sheila's Aunt), Ron Boone
REMINDER! To assist us in keeping up to date with classmate information, we have published a data gathering form. To access this site, go to the SPECIAL BULLETIN page!! URGENT REQUEST!
We are in need of new profiles for our special article page! Won't you please consider being our next featured star??? SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR POSTING TO OUR SITE. PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. Instructions for Posting to our Website
Click on the e-mail link provided, then send us your input. You may make this a part of the e-mail message, or as a separate TEXT (.txt) or DOCUMENT (.doc or .wpg) attachment to your e-mail. PHOTOS must be in .jpg or .gif format.
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