Access Lesson 2
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Student Objectives: Edit a record and undo a change.; Select records and fields.; Delete a record.; Cut, copy, and paste data.; Change the layout of a datasheet.

What Microsoft Access feature is used in order to navigate (move around) through a datasheet?
1) The Navigation buttons.
2) The navigation buttons move are used to move to the first record in a database table, the previous, next, last, or new record, or a record number can be typed in the record number box.

What is a record pointer?
1) It is used to keep track of the current record.
2) Moving through records in the datasheet moves the record pointer.

What are the 3 ways to undo changes in a datasheet cell?
1) Choosing Edit, Undo Typing or the Undo button
2) Choosing Edit, Undo Current Field/Record (used if you've already entered data in a cell and have moved to the next cell.)
3) Choosing Edit, Undo Saved Record (used to restore the previous record)

Records and fields can be selected by what  selectors?
1) Field selectors: Located at the top of a table and contain the field name. (Note: Clicking and holding down the Shift key will select more than one field.)
Record selectors: Located to the left of a record's first field.  (Note: Clicking and holding down the Shift key will select more than one field.)
3) Note: Clicking the upper left corner of the datasheet selects all records in the database.

What ways can a record be deleted?
1) Select the record in the table and choose Edit, Delete Record or press the Delete key on the keyboard.
2) Another way is to select the record or records and press the Delete Record button on the toolbar.
3) Note: You cannot delete fields in Datasheet view the same way you delete records in Design View.

How can the cut, copy, and paste commands be used in Microsoft Access?
1) These commands are used the same way as in other Office applications.  Data can be copied and moved within a table or between tables.
2) Note:  Pasted data within a table will overwrite existing data, unless it is pasted as a new record at the end of the table.

What does the Paste Append command do?
1) Paste append copies a record and pasts it into a table as a new record at the end of the table.

How can Row Height be adjusted in a datasheet table?
1) Changes to Row Height:  Position the pointer on the lower border of the row selector, it will turn to a double arrow, then click and drag the row border up or down to adjust row height.
2) One can also specify exact row height by choosing Format, Row Height from the menu-bar.
3) Note: Any row height adjustments affects all the rows.

How can Column Width be adjusted in a datasheet table?
1) Changes to Column Width: Place the mouse pointer in the field selector on the border of the column.  The pointer changes to a double arrow, then click and drag to the width desired.
2) One can also specify exact column width by choosing Format, Column Width and keying a specific width.
3) Another way to adjust column width is by choosing the Best Fit button or double-clicking the column border for Best Fit. Best Fit automatically selects the best width for the data in the column.

How are columns rearranged?
1) Columns are rearranged by selecting the field, then clicking and holding the mouse button on the field selector to drag the field to the new location.
2) Remember, this can only be done in Datasheet View.

What is the purpose of freezing columns and how is it done?
1) The purpose of freezing columns is to allow them to remain on the screen while you scroll to other columns that are not visible.
2) How do I do it? Select the column or columns you want to freeze, then choose Format, Freeze Columns. Note: To unfreeze, choose Format, UnFreeze Columns.

What are Field Properties?
1) Field properties are located in the Table's Design View.  They allow you to customize a field beyond merely choosing a data type.

What are the various Field Properties in Design View?
1) Field size:  Determines the number of characters allowed in a field.  You can specify up to 255 characters.
2) Format: Specifies how you want Access to display numbers, dates, times, and text. (Ex. 12/29/99)
3) Input Mask:  Allows you to control the data pattern or format allowed in the field. (Ex. You can specify that a number be formatted with an area code and parenthesis)
4) Caption: Text that will be used instead of the field name in forms.
5) Default Value: When a field usually contains the same value (Ex. All people in the database live in Texas, you can enter TX as the Default Value, so TX will automatically appear in each record.)
6) Required: Specifies whether you must enter a value in the field or not.
Decimal Places:  You can specify a number of decimal places to override the automatic setting.