On this page you'll find those beanies that make you say, "Umm isn't that a....". If you've ever seen any that look like they could be a fake or knock off, this is the place to look. Also there are beanies of other kind that just doesn't fit in with any other catagories but are great additions to your collection. Click the link to see each.


BAMBEANOS - This is Bambeanos. Beanies sold at Books-a-Million book store chain. This is the company that sued Bamm Beanos over their name. They have some beanies that are questionable to us.

Molly BackPack Beanie - This tag inside states this is Molly, born on Feb. 24th. She is three years old. It was found at a Target store. Obviously made to capitalize on the beanie market, but doesn't it look like Bongo alittle too much?


Sae Ho Ferret - This beanie was purchased at a ferret show in Philadelphia. It has been continuing talk that TY should do a ferret. Look at this beanie and see for yourself how a ferret beanie looks. Also note the style of it. It almost looks like something made by TY to us.

LSU Beanie - Mikey the Tiger. A beanie specially made after the Louisiana State University Mascot. We're not sure, but we think they made mascot beanies for some or alot of the colleges around the United States.

Wal-Mart Beanies - Wal-Mart makes some nice beanies. They are basically generic in the sense of how collectors look at beanies, but still worth the additional to your collection.

Alien Beanie - This beanie was found in a video store. He's pretty nice and a good addition to anyone's alien collection.

Sci-Port Beanies - Sci-Port beanies are sold in the gift shops of Sci-Ports. If you have one in your city, you should consider going there and looking into these. We have only found 8 in all. They each come in red or green shirts. We will update if more are discovered. Also of note, they have no hang tags.

Everything here is taken from a variety of sources and are copyrighten to their respected companies. None of the companies represented endorse this page. The veiws given here are only The Beanie Shops's observations. Send any comments to: