Teddy's Cajun Novelty Stuff
at BeB's Place


Send check or money order for any of the items that you see here to:

BeB's Place
Teddy Plaisance
P.O. Box 62
Mathews, La. 70375

Phone in credit card orders call:


We accept all major credit cards

OR-- Order with PayPal


-- 1 Cajun Moose Call --

TOTAL Price $24.99 INCLUDES $10.00 shipping for USA Shipping ONLY



-- 1 Cajun Mongoose Cage --

TOTAL Price $34.95 INCLUDES $15.00 shipping for USA Shipping ONLY




BACK to The Land of Sha Bebe

You NEED these products. It's FUN. ~~ :) ~~ Just like fishing!

Thank You from Teddy Plaisance.