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If you missed Ted Danson and Terry Farrell on the Early Show last Feb... go here and click on the video link!

For some of the most AMAZING Star Trek art we've ever seen, go here! There are some wonderful pieces with Terry Farrell in them.

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Becker started its 4th Season in the US on CBS October 1!  

Danson Speaks Out About Un-Nice Becker

Becker ended Season 3 16th in the overall Season Ratings!
The critics are starting to take notice!

Click here for more info!

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 Guest Star Dom Magwili, from the epiosode
"Physician Heal thy Self" 
Shared a few words
with us! :)

Terry in Doorway.gif (29112 bytes)

about the show

Multiple Emmy winner Ted Danson stars as John Becker, a dedicated and talented doctor with a gruff exterior. Unfortunately, his interior isn't all that warm and fuzzy either. While he offends those around who try to get close to him, he is extremely dedicated to his medical practice in the Bronx where he always goes the extra mile to help those in need.

John looks at the world around him and sees society gone mad - full of incongruities and just plain wrong thinking. And he has no qualms about saying anything that comes to his mind - anything.

Becker often unleashes his views at the local diner where Reggie, the lovely woman who recently inherited the place, doesn't quite know what to make of this madman. However, Jake, the blind proprietor of the local newsstand, is used to John and does his best to explain the "Becker phenomenon" to Reggie.

At his office, the waiting room is usually teeming with patients from his ethnically diverse neighborhood. His head nurse, Margaret, has the job of making order of this chaos. She does so with ease, deals with John and still has the energy to deal with Linda, the space-cadet who doubles as the nurses' aide.

Dealing with John Becker is quite an experience. And, even though he seems to be insulting them at every turn, the people in his life persist in trying to connect with him and find the nice guy they know is in there somewhere.

Time: Becker airs on Mondays at 9:30PM ET/PT.

 What to know more about the people who entertain you every week?

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  Character - links to Internet Movie Database Filmography 
& their CBS Biography
John Becker Ted Danson   CBS Bio
Reggie Terry Farrell  CBS Bio
Margaret Hattie Winston  CBS Bio
Jake Alex Désert  CBS Bio      Linda Shawnee Smith  CBS Bio

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Guest Stars/Patients:

Behind the scenes:
Director Andy Ackerman        Creator/writer of pilot: Dave Hackel

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