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Terry Farrell

19 November 1963, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

    At age 15, Terry left her native Iowa to spend a summer in Mexico City as a foreign exchange student. Her time away from her home town made her yearn for life in a big city. She submitted her picture to the famed Elite Modeling Agency during her junior year in high school and, shortly after, was summoned to New York City. Within two days she had an exclusive contract with Mademoiselle magazine.

    After spending a year and a half modeling, Farrell began looking for a greater challenge and studied with Kate McGregor Stewart in New York. In 1983 she joined the cast of Paper Dolls. The series aired for only 13 episodes. When it was canceled, Farrell landed a starring role in the motion picture, Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield.

    In the spring of 1989, Farrell began studying with Stella Adler and honing her craft. During this period of study, she continued to model for major advertising campaigns and commercials. In 1990, she landed the starring role in Hellraiser Part III. Soon after, she nabbed her current role in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.


Terry's combined Film and TV Roles as well as any guest appearances

   1.Star (1993) (TV)[Actress .... Elizabeth]
     ... aka Danielle Steel's 'Star' (1993) (TV)
   2."Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (1993) TV Series[Actress .... Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax]
   3.Red Sun Rising (1993)[Actress .... Det. Karen Ryder]
   4.Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Emissary (1993) (TV)[Actress .... Lt. Jadzia Dax]
     ... aka Emissary (1993) (TV)
   5.Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)[Actress .... Joey Summerskill]

   6.Back to School (1986)[Actress .... Valerie]
   7.Beverly Hills Madam (1986) (TV)[Actress .... Julie Taylor]
   8.Deliberate Stranger, The (1986) (TV)[Actress .... Katie Hargreaves]
   9.Off the Mark (1986)[Actress .... Jenell Johnson]
   10."Paper Dolls" (1984) TV Series[Actress .... Laurie Caswell]
   11.Off the Wall (1983)[Actress]
   12.Portfolio (1983)[Actress .... Elite Model]

   13."Mimi & Me" (????) TV Series[Actress]

   Notable TV guest appearances:

   1."Talk Soup" (1993) playing "herself" 1996
   2."Quantum Leap" (1989) playing "Navy Nurse Lt. Lisa Sherman" in episode: "Leap For Lisa, A" 1992
   3."New Twilight Zone, The" (1989) in episode: "After Hours"
   4."Family Ties" (1982) playing "Liz Oberman" 1986
   5."Cosby Show, The" (1984)

Jadzia Dax's Bio:

    Starfleet science officer assigned to Deep Space Nine in 2369, shortly after Starfleet took over the station.
Jadzia Dax is a member of the Trill joined species.
Jadzia, a young woman, had wanted to become a host since she was a child and worked very hard at winning the honor.
She won scholarships, achieving Premier Distinctions in exobiology, zoology, astrophysics, and exoarchaeology before she was
joined as a Trill in 2367.
Dax's previous host had been Curzon Dax.
As Jadzia, Dax had been a close friend of Benjamin Sisko, but she noted that such friendships are sometimes difficult to maintain when a Trill has a new host, particularly one of a different gender. (Emissary [DS9])
As is characteristic of Trills, Dax's hands are cold. (A Man Alone [DS9])
Dax's previous hosts had been both male and female, but by 2369, Dax had not been in a female host for more than eighty years. (Babel [DS9])

In joinings with previous hosts, Dax had been a mother three times and a father twice, but confessed she hadn't been very
successful either way. (The Nagus [DS9])

As an attractive woman, Dax drew the attentions of many men, including Dr. Julian Bashir. Dax considered herself above such
interests, although she once admitted that she thought Morn was cute. (Progress [DS9])
As of 2369, Dax had been attempting to master the Altonian brain teaser for 440 years. (A Man Alone [DS9])

Career summary:

The Dax symbiont has had eight different hosts to date, not counting Verad, who stole the Dax symbiont for a few hours in 2370 as seen in Invasive Procedures [DS9].

Very little is known about Dax's early hosts, although Facets [DS9] gave a list of all of the hosts, as well as some personal
information about them. There are no conjectural dates prior to Audrid's death.

          Lela was Dax's first host.

          Lela Dax was one of the first women ever to serve as a council member on Trill.

          To The Death [DS9] establishes that Lela had a son named Ahjess.

          It is unknown when the Dax symbiont was born, nor when Lela was joined.

          Jadzia Dax noted on occasion that she was over 300 years old, which would seem to put Lela's joining around the
          mid-21st century.

          If Lela, Tobin, Emony, and Audrid all had joined lives that averaged 72 years each, Dax's joining with Lela
          would have taken place around 1996.

          Tobin Dax was a shy, technically knowledgeable man who was proud of the fact that he'd worked on developing
          another remarkable proof of Fermat's last theorem.

          Jadzia Dax inherited her love of science and mathematics from Tobin.

          Rejoined [DS9] establishes that Tobin enjoyed dabbling in slight of hand magic tricks.

          It has not been established when Tobin was joined, or when he died

          Emony Dax was a professional gymnast.

          Jadzia Dax's interest in Klingon martial arts probably came from her.

          Dates have not been established for Emony's joining or death.

          Audrid was Dax's fourth host.

          She was a member of the Symbiosis Commission and a mother who had at least two children.

          Babel [DS9] establishes that Dax had not had a female host for 80 years before that episode, suggesting that
          Audrid died around 2289.

          An arbitrary date of 2284 has been assumed for her death, five years earlier, since Equilibrium [DS9] establishes
          that Torias died in 2285, and Blood Oath [DS9] establishes that by 2289 Curzon Dax was already a well known
          Federation mediator.

          Torias Dax was a test pilot who lived a brief joined life before dying in a shuttle accident.

          He was joined in 2284, based on Audrid's assumed death date, and married a scientist named Nilani Kahn, who was
          also a joined Trill.

          Torias died in 2285 (Equilibrium [DS9], Rejoined [DS9]).

          Nilani was introduced in Rejoined [DS9].

          Joran Dax was a musician and a violent criminal.

          Joran hosted the Dax symbiont for only six months in 2285, as revealed in Equilibrium [DS9].

          Trill authorities have attempted to eradicated all record of Joran Dax's joining,.

          Curzon, Dax's most recent past host, rejected Jadzia as a host candidate as seen in Playing God [DS9] but in
          Facets [DS9] it is learned that it was because he was in love with Jadzia.

          Later, Curzon felt guilty over having been unfair to Jadzia, so he allowed her to return to the initiate program.

          Curzon was joined from 2285 until his death in 2367 as established in Dax [DS9].

          Curzon was seen briefly in Emissary [DS9].

          Jadzia is Dax's eighth host, and was joined in 2367.

          She was generally regarded as Dax's seventh host, since the Trill authorities were largely successful in
          suppressing knowledge of Joran Dax as established in "Equilibrium" [DS9].

          Jadzia Dax joined the Federation Starfleet and served as a science officer on DS9.

          Prior to her joining, Jadzia had earned academic honors for her work in exobiology, zoology, astrophysics, and exoarchaeology. (Dax [DS9])

          The Dax symbiont was briefly stolen from Jadzia by Verad in 2370 in "Invasive Procedures" [DS9], but he apparently wasn't considered to have been a real host.


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