Topic: Food
In LVVA, fond 7439, op. 2, vol. 285 one can find something as exotic as menues from September 1696. It lists about a dozen dishes for each day. Among them are such delicacies as "laxvälling (salmon gruel), "kabeljo i huuset" (literally: dried cod in the house), "två gäddor med rovor i huuset" (two pikes with turnips in the house) and "förlorade ägg med corinther" (poached eggs with corinth raisins).
It's obvious that these menues were written for the higher officials as they end with a list of food to be served if something extra was needed - on Monday "fresh tongues of oxen" and on Friday "an English pudding". The menues are followed by lists of food for the "commoners" - very few dishes each day, mostly grain and fish.