Normally I try to keep this blog at a tempo where it could be of general interest if you lived in Western Samoa but it was my birthday yesterday so I think I'll be a little more personally reflective this go round.
I went to work as I'd had the day before off, trying to organize a few things, and that turned out alright as I got a cake and a rendition of the Happy Birthday chant that probably opened a crack in the earth and unleashed a horde of leather-winged demons somewhere in the world. I had a yummy roast dinner, which was very welcome as my own cooking is somewhat perfunctory for the most part, got tickets to see Jimmy Little and got to chat for ages to someone very special, who celebrated their own birthday recently.
All in all, though I wasn't showered with gifts or thrown a huge party, a good day.
Posted by berko_wills
at 12:33 AM NZT