I'm not nationalistic or jingoistic but I am patriotic to a degree. I'm happy that we have sports stars and actors doing so well.
I think our expatriates are a pretty admirable bunch. Barry Humphries can be obnoxious in his different guises but that is the point of satire. And the joke really is on us.
If Robert Hughes is obnoxious for real then we can forgive that by the fact that he is an outstanding critic and author.
Paul Hogan has been a bit of a one-note act - reinforcing the ocker stereotype at that - but is set to redeem himself in a role where he pretends to be gay
Clive James is clever and a poet to boot.
The list goes on. One Aussie who does worry me, though, is Steve Irwin. Having a go at the Greens for attacking Bush in Parliament is one thing, dangling your baby near a feeding croc is quite another.
Posted by berko_wills
at 1:20 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 January 2004 1:41 PM EADT