I'm working on more comics-related stuff but here's something to fill in time. I found it when I was searching for something else altogether.
The World's Most Dangerous Places is a real test to liberal sensibilities. I kept feeling that, yes the principle is correct to treat all new immigrants equally, BUT don't drop me off in any of these countries without plenty of notice.
One nation that really has me scratching my head is Sierre Leone. I thought African nations had the double disadvantage of colonial exploitation and desert conditions yet here's a country that is in RAINFOREST and still has a life expectacy in the forties. Is that pathetic or what? And, yes, they're former British slaves as Liberia is founded by former American slaves (and is still a mess) but this was in the early nineteenth century. How long does it take to get your collective shit together?
Posted by berko_wills
at 4:01 PM NZT