I'm still giddy from Ella's comments [theatrical stage kiss with Stravinksy looking suspiciously on]
What would the stipulations be when contemplating youthful life over eons. Not to be bored? Not to upset the equilibrium established by a cycle of life and death? Not to crowd out our descendants in the marketplace of ideas and every other habitable space?
As far as the self goes, I would imagine that you would still fare better if you look after the health of all facets of body, mind and spirit. Yoga and meditation and some more aerobic workout as well. (this is purely conjectural you understand)
But, as much as Eastern religion contemplates existence without memory of what has gone before, I would like to know who I am in some sense, and that includes childhood and possible past lives.
To that end, I've flagged memory as an essential to any proposed longevity. Spending a sesquencentenary reciting lists in order to remember where I left my hat doesn't hold much appeal. So (in the next daily instalment) memory exercises without a net.
Posted by berko_wills
at 4:54 AM NZT