If you wondered why my frenetic pace of blogging was slowed to a crawl; it's a technical issue as you'll no doubt notice - long term viewers of these escapades - there is no hypertext at all. Even in spots where it seems to provide all the context.
As to which hitch is glitch, the Tripod boffins are working on that now. Perhaps in an effort to mask my cursing, the HTML for capital [letter after 'e'] has been replaced in all parts by a patch of scribble, which also affects the code for hyperlinks.
There is so much good stuff in town now we are spoilt for choice. Lou Reed is in town and David Bowie is simulcasting himself into a cinema in George Street and will even answer questions after the show.
Presumably when he tours Australia early next year, he will forego the second encore to stand and talk to a cinema audience in the New Hebrides.
Posted by berko_wills
at 7:41 PM NZT