Here you can learn all about me and My Place--my fambly, the things
I luv to do, my fwiends, and more. I'll even tell you the story of how I came to live here! I've also included
a list of my favorite links to other sites. I hope you enjoy surfing awound in Bwannigan's, er, Brannigan's Place!
(I have some trouble wif some of my "L's" and "R's". Mom sez it's on accounta my lips.
I have lots of lips--the better to fling healing drool wif! Also maybe my grammer and spelling aren't quite there
yet. I've been working real hard, tho', to talk better. So if I slip ever' now'n then, pwease forgive me!)

Mom and Me
This is MY favorite picture of me 'cause it shows me wif my Mom.
I wuv her vewy much, and you can see that she wuvs me vewy much too! She says I am her "Bestest Boy"! (A'course
I know I am also her ONLY boy, but it still means a lot to me!)
Mom and I haven't quite finished my website
yet. Stay tuned, tho', 'cause we'll be adding stuff often--speshly more pictures!

This is ME, Brannigan!!
This is one of Mom's favorite pictures of me. The girls were all prancin' around in
their new pearls, and I got jealous! So Mommy let me try them on, too! No, I not a sissy--I made her take them
off after she took this picture.
You can see a bunch more pictures of me and my fambly on the Fambly Photo Album and the More
Fambly pages.
Mom and I are putting up pictures of my fwiends, too. If you would like to be included,
pwease get your Mom or Dad to send my Mom some pictures!
Mom and I have enjoyed looking at so many other websites about us Bassets--so much so that
I bugged and bugged her to help me build one of my vewy own! So here it is, and we hope you like it!
Oh by the way, please sign my Guest Book with any comments or reactions you have to My Place.
The link to my Guest Book is on the vewy last page. You can also write to me! I LUV to get email! There
is a link there where you can email me, too!
The last time Mom and I pawed through this site was on:
Friday December 14, 2007