"My Guardian Angels"

I have a group of special friends
All sent from God above.

You are my guardian angels,
"Special Friends" of mine.

You are the best in cyber space
"My Angel Friends"

We talk,we laugh,we cry together
but most important we pray for one another.

We lift each other up in spirit,
we are always there for each other.

You are God's gift to me,
for friendship is priceless you see.

You have brought me so much joy,
You are my inspiration!

Without my Angels on line,
I would be lost in cyberspace

I may never meet any of you in person,
but if I don't I know I shall see you in Heaven.

Until then I will be here and you,
will be in my heart and prayers always.

I Love You All!!

((((((((((ANGEL HUGs)))))))))

Written by bettyboop57

Dedicated to my Special Angels

Please send this to all your special friends
and show them how much you care.


copyright © 2000 Sandy Schultz