Bad Ash Head Quarters
Top Ten signs that you might be Gay
What the hell do you want now?
Rad Stuff
Watch Us Go Down In Flames
Our Own Deranged World
The Vault of Insanity!!

Warning: Read at your own risk.

Psycho Mantis: Hey everyone. Ever wondered if you're gay? I sure have! Well, read this Top Ten list and if any apply to you, then it's time to sit down and seriously question your sexuality. Now lets start!

- Note to everyone who's been living under a rock for the last couple years: *these star thingies indicate that an action is being performed. Ex. *cough* -

10. Your favorite song is "Its Raining Men".
Psycho Mantis:I can just picture gay guys dancing to this...ewwww....
Ska Lord:I have one word for this, "Ahuhg!"
Psycho Mantis: That's not a word.
Ska Lord:Shut up.
Groper: I'm deeply sickened. (*sings* It's raining men! Halleluha!)
Ducky: That doesnt mean I'm gay.
Goofus: Really?! I request that song every day.

9. You got busted at school because your shorts 'revealed' too much.
Psycho Mantis: You know. The kind you cant believe they even make that small.
Ska Lord:Who wears short shorts?
Groper: Willy wears short shorts!
Psycho Mantis: Yes. Yes he does.
Goofus: Ewwwwwwww...Will in short shorts, very disturbing.
Ducky: Does it count if your shorts are around your ankles?

8. You bought a hot pink car and put a "Hot stuff coming through" bumper sticker on it.
Psycho Mantis: With leopard spotted seat covers...oh yeah!
Ska Lord: And Barbies on the rear view mirror.
Goofus: With bright pink headlights and Power Puff rear view mirror covers.
Ducky: Dont make fun of leopard spotted seat covers!
Groper: Hey, I have that bumper sticker in my room.

7. You join football because, boy do love the 'physical contact' aspect of it.
Psycho Mantis:You just love smashing your hot, sweaty body into someone else.
Ska Lord: The huddles...
Ducky: Hey! I joined football for the physical contact.
Goofus: Repeatedly slapping each others ass's after a good game.
Groper:...It's raining men...
Goofus: You're still singing that?
Groper: Yeah. So?

6. You still wear the Power Ranger backpack you got in 5th grade.
Psycho Mantis: Go, go Power Ranger!...da da da da da da da...
Ska Lord: Red, yellow, pink, green, blue, black, gold, silver, white!
Groper: Time Force, go! Morphin' Time!
Psycho Mantis: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, morphine.
Groper: Morphin', not Morphine, you idiot.
Ducky: I didnt get mine in 5th grade, I got it in 7th.
Goofus: I dont even know what to say about this one.
Ska Lord: Hits a little too close to home, does it Goofus?
Goofus: *bites thumb at Ska Lord*

5. You own the entire Hello Kitty collection.
Psycho Mantis: This is possibly the most disturbing of them all...
Ska Lord: Oh dear Lord no!!
Groper: Is this even possible?!
Ducky: Sure! All I need is the Hello Kitty diary.
Goofus: Am I the only one that's worried about Ducky?

4. Your the 1st one in the shower at school and the last one out.
Psycho Mantis: Well, I was wrong...
Ska Lord: Those wet towel fights must be something.
Groper: Lather, Rinse, Slap, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat...
Ducky: That's another reason I joined football.
Goofus: Hey, you gotta wash every part of your body.
Psycho Mantis: ...but when you start washing every part of other peoples bodies you might have stepped over the line.
Ska Lord: Might have?

3. You're British, French, or Canadian.
Psycho Mantis: he he he...silly French...
Ska Lord: We cant all be winners.
Groper: Le Gay! You love French because you can say gay phrases without other people knowing! he he he...
Psycho Mantis:...........what?
Groper: Go to hell.
Ducky: I'm only half French.
Goofus: Ha, ha, stupid Canadians...
Psycho Mantis:

2. You dropped the soap on purpose.
Psycho Mantis: Especially in prison...tist...tist...tist...
Ska Lord: Pretend to be a baywatch girl running through the sand.
Psycho Mantis: What does that have to do with soap?
Ska Lord: *drools at baywatch girl*
Groper: You have your shower mirror so you can see everything that goes on..he he he...
Ducky: I never did it on purpose, I swear!
Goofus: Man, when will you guys understand that soap is slippery?

Psycho Mantis: And the #1 sign that you might be gay is...


1. You have sex with men.
Psycho Mantis: Oh, betcha didnt see that coming, did you?
Ska Lord: Wow, it's diturbing and funny at the same time...ow, my stomach!
Groper: Wait...I dont get it. How does it work? *pokes two fingers together*
Psycho Mantis: *sigh*
Ducky: Groper, I would tell you, but then everyone would know I'm gay.
Goofus: You're gay?.....*whispers to Ducky* Meet me in the broom closet at midnight.
Groper: No really. How does it work? Is there some sort of attachment or something?.....

Psycho Mantis: Thanks to my guests Ska Lord, Ducky, Goofus, and Groper for lending their commentary! I hope this clears up some peoples question, it sure has for me...*walks off whistling "It's Raining Men"*

Note: Ducky's not really gay, we think...