Bad Ash Head Quarters
What the hell do you want now?
Rad Stuff
Watch Us Go Down In Flames
Our Own Deranged World
The Vault of Insanity!!
The Bad Ash Experiment

The ultimate what-if...

One day, while at Goofus's house, we began to wonder what would happen if all the members of Bad Ash (some you've heard of, some you haven't) moved in together in the same house. So we constructed virtual copies of ourselves in The Sims and built ourselves a house. We took screenshots of what happened. This is our offical stance on what would happen if we moved in together.


Day 1: Well, our house is built and we're ready to begin! The band is assembled! From top to bottom: Mondo, Ducky, Skankin Monkey, Psycho Mantis, Goofus, Super Fwed, and Raven.


Day 1: Within 20 minutes of surveying the house, Psycho Mantis was getting his freak on in one of the dance cages, unfortunatly for Mondo who happened to be in the room at the time.


Day 1: ....The dance cages have been discovered.


Day 1: Goofus eats lunch with Gabe and Tycho from Penny-Arcade, our first friends.

Oh, this is just the beginning. ---->

Bad Ash Experiment Pg 2