


T.K. Ramasamy (1940? - 27 Feb 2002)

Born in Tamil Nadu and having grown up in Nagpur, TKR worked with
Hitvad (Nagpur), Patriot (Delhi), New Wave (Delhi)and for the last 20 years of his
life with The Tribune (Chandigarh), for the last 2 years in his capacity as the
Editorial Advisor to the Tribune. He was responsible for the high quality of the editorial
and the Book Review pages, especially to the latter where he encouraged a number of
young writers to contribute.

All his life TKR remained a committed journalist with left wing leanings.



TK Ramasamy dead: News item in The Tribune

TKR: journalist and comrade by L.H. Naqvi in The Tribune

Ramasamy cremated: news item in The Tribune

From Journalism to the World of Ideas: by Syed Norruzzaman in The Tribune

Obituary: Letters to the The Tribune

Scribes' death mourned: The Tribune

This Soul Will Live On: by Deepika Gurdev

TKR: The Portrait of an Editor: by Bhupinder Singh

Some of TKR's writings from The Tribune (from 1998-2002)

I. Politics and Corruption: Then and Now

II. Divali in South India, sans diyas: The Tribune

III. Budget's grey areas: The Tribune

IV. Indian Agenda for Agra summit: The Tribune

V. A Nehru sheds his unwanted legacy: The Tribune

VI. A sob story to beat all sob stories

VII He who walked away with peace bonanza: The Tribune

VIII Economics at the service of man: The Tribune

IX A DIY Manual on riots: The Tribune

X. Jaya races with rupee in shedding value: The Tribune

XI. The Rise and Fall of Stalinism


This page was last updated on: 22 April 2004