(nearly) 400 Years of Stukes
(updated 02/10/2003)
Stukes family legend says the Stukes family arrived in South Carolina some time in the 1700's, when the Stukes brothers sailed from England, traveled up the Santee River and settled on land granted to them from the King of England in what is now Clarendon County. These brothers started the three branches of the South Carolina Stukes family, known as the Davis Station Stukes', the Manning Stukes', and the Pinewood Stukes'.
My family tree, back to Joseph Gordon Bonner Stukes, is fairly well documented. I have included information on the generations prior to Joseph G B Stukes, back to John Stukes born ca. 1607. This information is my best guess at this time. There are many conflicts to resolve and holes to fill, but everything included has been noted by at least one source (with varying degrees of reliability!). So take this information with a grain of salt. I'm no professional genealogist, I just want to know where we Stukes came from!
According to information from Cambridge, England, as well as information from the LDS Family History Center, William Gordon Bonner Stukes was one of the brothers who came from England to South Carolina in the 1700s. He seems to be the father of William Reginald Loombe Stukes, and Joseph Gordon Bonner Stukes.
William Stukes was the son of Thomas Stukes and Susannah Bonner of Cambridge, England. At least one source shows William to be William Gordon Bonner Stukes. While this seems to be logical, I don't have absolute verification.
I am also searching ships' passenger lists and have yet to find any Stukes traveling from England to America. Maybe they swam, I don't know.
Through the Family History Center and the Cambridge Family History Society, William G B Stukes traces back to John Stukes and wife Mary Levitt who were married in 1625. Again, please take all this information with a grain of salt, however, as I am depending on information gathered by others.
My branch of the Stukes family is from Davis Station. My father, grandfather, great-grandfather, gg-grandfather, and ggg-grandfather all lived in Clarendon County. My grandfather was a sergeant during the Spanish-American war. My great grandfather, Charles Wesley Stukes, was a private in the Confederate Army. His unit (Company I 23rd Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers - The Sprott Guard) was at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, but I don't know if he was present at the surrender.
The Stukes family includes many notable individuals, including Taylor Hudnall Stukes, who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, and several veterans of the Civil War. The family also includes some Tories from the Revolutionary War, including William Stukes.
In addition to my Stukes ancestors, I am currently looking for information on my father's grandparents. Their names were William J. Reddick and Maude (Fallin) Reddick (or Redick, spelled both ways in various documents). My grandmother's death certificate shows that both her parents were born in St. Stephen's Parish, Berkeley County.
Please send me a note if you have any information on the persons or surnames shown on this page.
Stukes photos, documents, and surnames
Clarendon County, South Carolina genealogy website
Lawrence family of South Carolina
Webster County, Missouri genealogy website (Todd family)
Merrick County, Nebraska genealogy website (Gurney family)
I am also researching the Gurney family of Nebraska/Michigan and the Todd family of Seymour, MO.