This is a photo of my 1950 Ford 8N tractor, purchased in January, 1998. My first driving experience was on my grandfather's 1952 8N, so this was a special purchase for me. This photo was taken in March 1998.
As I am disassembling things to separate the gray and the black items from the red (for painting), I'm finding items in need of repair. I'm also replacing what I think may fail later, since I've already got it torn down. So far, the repair/replace list is as follows:
Replace radiator
Replace grill
Replace battery door
Replace Ford emblem on hood
New hoses and fan belt
New water pump
New battery
Replace missing battery cover
Points and Plugs
New wiring harness (home-made)
New voltage regulator (just in case)
Repair/rebuild steering box (steering wheel has 8 in of slack, should be 2 in at most)
Repair weak hydraulics (3-pt hitch slowly drops after engine stops)
Here are this month's photos. You can see them all at my Flickr page.
If you have a Ford N-series tractor, you can identify it's year from this list of serial numbers.
Here are some more 8N photos. I will post more photos of the 8N as they are available.
Also, please note that most of the work on the Big S Ranch was being done by this old tractor until a few years ago. I hope to restore it to working condition again.
The hood is a little rusty. The grill is ugly (wired in place). No decorative radiator cap. No FORD emblem on the front.
I only have the shredder and drag blade that I got with the tractor. These do their jobs well, but there are some other things I'd like:
2-wheel trailer for general hauling
2-bottom Dearborn plow
Dearborn Disk Harrow
Fencepost Auger
Rear-mounted scoop
If you have any of these for sale, let me know!
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