What the experience made Martha realize is that she enjoyed gaining weight and she really liked being fat. She realized that in truth, the only thing wrong with being fat is the way you're treated by society.

Martha: I realized who I really was and that was a devastating experience. Who I really am is so contrary to the arbitrary standards of this society. But I can't live my life trying to meet an ideal that isn't right for me. I can't live a lie.

Martha also realized that as a role model for big people it was her responsibility to provide leadership and inspiration for all the fat people who have yet to experience the epiphany she has experienced. She decided it was time for her to begin to preach the gospel of self love.

Martha: Don't be afraid to allow yourself to embrace the lifestyle that is your true destiny. The fact is we are fat because that is how we are genetically predestined to be. Physically, mentally, every way! If we don't completely embrace and learn to love who we are, we will never be happy.

Martha adds that the first step is to become involved with other people who have the same feelings and needs as you.

Martha: Isora was my feeder. She made me come to grips with and face who I really am. Find someone like that and you will find happiness!