Operation Strangle

Operation Strangle had one simple objective: to limit the enemy's ability to operate effectively. The logic was, if supplies could not get in or the troops could not change position, the Allied forces would have a decided advantage. The spring assault on German troops was severe, and the 99th was able to destroy several German gun positions. But the damage did not significantly stop the enemy troops, in fact, the resulting poor roads forced the Allied commander to call off the battle.

In April, the 99th was reassigned to the 324th Fighter Group, another all-White unit, ending a very successful military teaming with the 79th. However, the 99th in concert with the Allied Air Force continued their air assault on the enemy by eliminating the rail transportation.

On May 11, D-Day, the 99th was a part of the air support team striking out key positions; in 31 sorties they unloaded over 30,000 pounds of bombs. The 99th significantly contributed to the Allied forces' success against the German position in Cassino on May 17.

Praise for the 99th started pouring in. After General Clark, commander of the Fifth Army, successfully captured Cassino, he formally commended the men of the 99th for their support of his ground troops. Similarly, General Cannon, commander of the Twelfth Air Force, extended his complements to the Squadron.

Throughout the month of June, the Allied forces did not relent, they maintained a persistent attack on the German positions forcing them to retreat from Rome, and moving them into more vulnerable positions further north. During this offensive assault, the 99th was assigned to flying armed reconnaissance missions to destabilize German forts. Although their mission proved successful it also resulted in the lose of several members of the group.



Copyright © 2001-, Terry Muse
Revised: December 30, 2001
URL: http://black_and_hispanic.tripod.com/blackhistory/
Contact: Terry Muse