The ancient granite and the shape of Moroles's Georgia Stele evoke age—of the earth, of his own Mexican American culture, and of sculptural traditions that go back to man's earliest attempts to create beauty. In his title, Moroles referred to stone slabs of the Maya that were incised with text recording historic moments. By modernizing the form and telling us that the stone came from Georgia, he inflects his sculpture with the accent of contemporary America. |
El vetusto granito y la forma de la Estela de Georgia de Moroles evocan sensaciones de antigüedad, de antigüedad de la tierra, de su propia cultura mexicano-americana y de las tradiciones escultóricas que se remontan a los primeros intentos del hombre de crear belleza. Con este título, Moroles hace referencia a las losas de piedra de los mayas grabadas con relatos de acontecimientos históricos. Al modernizar la forma e informarnos que la piedra procede de Georgia, instila en su escultura el acento de la América contemporánea. |
Copyright © 2001-
, Terry Muse
Revised: January 17, 2002
URL: http://black_and_hispanic.tripod.com/hispanichistory/
Contact: Terry Muse