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Paul Sierra
72 1/2 x 100 7/8 in.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Catherine Walden Myer Endowment

In Sinews a solitary figure emerges from a bog in a tropical landscape. The nude man appears anxious, exposed, and vulnerable amidst the primal forces of nature. With no identifying characteristics he represents mankind's constant struggle with nature. Sierra returned to painting following a vacation in Puerto Rico, where the tropical setting reminded him of his childhood in Cuba. Since then the rich, vibrant colors of the Caribbean have become his trademark.

Una figura solitaria surge de una ciénaga en un paisaje tropical. El hombre desnudo parece nervioso, expuesto y vulnerable frente a las fuerzas primigenias de la naturaleza. Sin características identificables, representa la lucha permanente de la humanidad con la naturaleza. Sierra volvió a pintar después de una vacación en Puerto Rico, cuyo ambiente tropical le recordaba su niñez en Cuba. Desde entonces, los ricos y vibrantes colores del Caribe se han convertido en su marca distintiva.


Copyright © 2001- , Terry Muse 
Revised: January 17, 2002
Contact: Terry Muse