
Name: Edge

Series: MegaMan X

Author: Lord Black "Nytetrayn" Draco(Black_Draco@hotmail.com, http://www.yourpage.com)

Aliases: None

Race: Reploid

Gender: Male

Function: Warrior

Model: Mechadrake

Breed: Red

Height: Approx. 9'

Age(actual): Text Here

Age(simulated): 25

Weapons/Attacks: Edge is armed with a special ultra-hardened metal spear with durability that matches, and possibly exceeds, the hardness found in Metool helmets. Capable of extending telescopically and expanding size, it is specially designed to inflict maximum damage upon penetration of a victim, as well as to perform additional ripping damage when removed. Edge is capable of sending out energy waves similar to those founds launched from beam-sabers with this weapon, as well as summoning a massive fiery dragon which he controls as his giga attack.

Edge also carries a firearm that resembles old western pistols, but fires shells that are more viable and damage capable for the era. It is also made of the same hardened metal as most of the Dragon Knights' weapons.

In addition to these weapons and his natural claws and teeth, Edge also has a flaming breath capable of reaching extremely high temperatures, capable of evaporating water on contact or melting sheer blocks of ice. In order to augment this, Nytetrayn developed a type of chewing gum that acts as a combination of extremely sticky adhesive and extremely flamable substances, in essence making a sticky flame that's exceedingly difficult to get rid of.

Abilities: Edge is a sharpshooter with his gun, although he prefers to keep things in a more melee form with his spear, which he handles like a master. Edge is capable of flight, and as a red Mechadrake, finds himself at ease in the air. Possesses enormous strength typical of what is normally found in a red Mechadrake. Edge can also blow bubbles, and considers him master of the "5-second pose".

Weaknesses: Other than his sometimes eradic behaviour leading to trouble, Edge's primary weakness is to wind-type attacks. His one-upmanship with his brother, Chrystian, also sometimes gets him into trouble.

Eyes: Text Here

Hair: Long, frizzy hair, sandy-blonde in color

Creator: Mechadrake Assemblies, Inc.

Allegiance: Dragon Knights

Unit: N/A

Status: Alive; Normal

Background: Text Here

Personality: Text Here

Likes: Donuts, bubble-gum, and reeking of awesomeness.

Dislikes: Text Here

Quote: Quote Here

Inspiration & Other Notes: Originally based on the WWF wrestler Edge, for whom he is named, I've found Vash the Stampede(Trigun) to help give me an idea of how to balance out his eradic and more serious sides. With that in mind, I've begun adding other bits and pieces from Vash to the character.