Infantry Tactics

Movement /Squad formations

To survive on the  cyber battlefield, stealth, dispersion, and security must be enforced in all tactical movements.  The players and mission commanders  must be skilled in all movement techniques.
Formations are arrangements of players/ soldiers in relation to each other.  Squads are put in a   formations for control .Leaders are where they can best control  the formations.     All soldiers in the team must be able to see their leader .

above are some standard formations

A movement technique is the manner a unit uses to traverse terrain.  There are three movement techniques:  traveling, traveling overwatch, and bounding overwatch.The selection of a movement technique is based on the likelihood of enemy contact and the need for speed.  Factors to consider for each technique are control, dispersion, speed, and security.  Movement techniques are not fixed formations.  They refer to the distances between soldiers, teams, and squads that vary based on mission, enemy, terrain, visibility, and any other factor that affects the  control of the unit /squad. Soldiers must be able to see his next  level leader.  The platoon leader should be able to see his lead squad leader.  Leaders will control with voice comm. in the game and if needed text typing but only as a last resort.
The enemy situation determines which of the three movement techniques will be used.  When contact is not likely: 
TRAVELING; when  enemy contact possible: 
TRAVELING OVERWATCH;  when  expected:
 BOUNDING OVERWATCH. Squads/platoons will usually move with traveling overwatch.
In open terrain, keep men widely dispersed.  When enemy contact is possible, have one fire team well forward and overwatch with the other fire team.  Assign duties for the movement.
squads maintain visual contact, but the distance between them is such that the entire unit or company does not become engaged if contact is made.  squads can spread their formations as necessary to gain better observation to the flanks.  Although widely spaced, players retain their relative position in their wedge and follow their platoon leader.  Only in extreme situations should a file formation ever be used.

With the exception of fire Squad leaders,  company commanders  moves inside their formation     where they can maintain the best control of the unit.

The traveling is used when enemy contact is not likely but speed is necessary.
   The traveling overwatch is used when enemy contact is possible.
The bounding overwatch is used when enemy contact is likely, or when crossing a danger area.


Traveling. In the traveling technique, the distance between individuals is about 10 meters with 20 meters between squads.  It has the following characteristics
More control than traveling overwatch but less than bounding overwatch
Minimum dispersion
Maximum speed
Minimum security

Traveling Overwatch

Traveling Overwatch.  The traveling overwatch technique is the basic movement technique.
The distance between individuals is about 20 meters, between squads about 50 meters platoons.
In company traveling overwatch, the lead platoon must be far enough ahead of the rest of the company /companies to detect or engage any enemy before the enemy observes or fires on the main body.  However, it must be close enough to be supported by the company's small arm’s fires.  This is normally between 50 to 100 meters, depending on terrain, vegetation, and light and weather conditions.
In a company/companies column formation, only the lead platoon  should use the traveling overwatch; however, if greater dispersion is desired, all squads may use it.
In other formations, all squads use traveling overwatch unless the mission/company commander  specifies not to.
Traveling overwatch has the following characteristics
Good control
Good dispersion
Good speed
Good security forward

bounding overwatch 

In the bounding overwatch technique, the distance between players remains approximately 10-15 meters.  The distance between squads and platoon/companies varies.
The  platoon has a bounding element( a squad) and an overwatch element (remaining squad).  The bounding element moves while the overwatch element occupies an overwatch position that can cover the route of the bounding element by fire.  Each bound is within supporting range of the overwatch element.
Before a bound, the platoon .company commander gives the following instructions to his subordinates.
Direction of the enemy if known
Position of overwatch elements
Next overwatch position
Route of the bounding element
What to do after the bounding element reaches the next position
The characteristics of bounding overwatch are
Maximum control
Maximum dispersion
Minimum speed
Maximum security

 Multi companies Bounding

the above is controlled  by  the mission commander 

VERY Important for leaders that tell units were to bound to

Movement Considerations. When deciding where to move the bounding element, consider:
Where the enemy is likely to be
The mission
The routes to the next overwatch position
The weapons ranges of the overwatching unit
The responsiveness of the rest of the unit
 The fields of fire at the next overwatch position

Danger areas/how to cross and secure them

A danger area is any place on a unit’s route where the leader’s estimate  his unit may be exposed to enemy observation or fire.  Some examples of danger areas are open areas, roads and trails,  villages, enemy positions, and obstacles such as , streams, and wire obstacles.  Avoid danger areas whenever possible.  If they must be passed or crossed, use great caution.

 Reason for taking this action  :

  1. The unit prevents the enemy from surprising the main body.
  2. The unit moves all personnel and equipment across the danger area.
  3. The unit prevents decisive engagement by the enemy.
  1. Designate near and far side rally points
  2. Secure near side, left and right flank, and rear security
  3. Recon and secure the far side
  4. Cross the danger area
  5. Plan for fields  fires (when possible

After flanking security are set  a squad or platoon crosses and recons the area after checking and securing the area leaves a security squad /player across to insure that no enemy force  moves in etc and then inform the rest of the unit to cross in small sections so as to limit any danger crossing as a whole group/force.

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