
The hypernova | New Page Title
The hypernova


details on gamma bursts and other side affects.

In science when you are looking for one thing you can find another.
Scientists have spent 30 or more years trying to find the cause of gamma ray burst with are of a much higher energy then x-rays. Gamma rays can even penetrate several layers of steel. As they searched for the cause they discovered a type of supernova much greater then any other, these are now know as hypernova's.


Hypernovas don't just create gamma rays, Gamma rays a merly a side affect of the stars life. A Hypernova is thought to be created by, a vary large star that has createde so much gravity it forms a black hole at its core and colapses in on its self. As it colapses it forces mass amounts of energy in the form of gamma rays to be shot out from its ploes.

As the star nears the end of its life as it colapses one last mass amount  of energy is released causing the Hypernova. A hypernova is far more powerfuller then a supernova. Hypernova's are belived to have the power to wipe out intire galixes or solar systerms. the explosion caused by a hypernova can be seen from earth. what you can see of them is know as a after glow. This is one thing that helped astronamers were studying as they discover the hypernova. when a hypernova has finally ended that is not the end of what we can leanr becasue in its place is left a Black hole caused by the stars gravity befor it died.

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