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Latest News and Updates

October 21, 2001 - I have added a new image to the Dragon gallery. I have been really trying to figure out how CGI works so that I might be able to put up comment forms on the site, so that people can directly give responses to artwork.

October 19, 2001 - I have updated the story section, the first two chapters of a new story has been added. It is in the same world as the first story, the world of Runne.

October 17, 2001 - I have just finished adding another gallery. This one is the elven gallery. I really like elves so I suspect that I will be adding quite a few more pics to this gallery.

I have been busy posting all of the names of the artists of drawings all over the site. If I have anyone's artwork on this site I want them to get full credit for it.

I have added 3 new images to the Angel Gallery.

I have improved the gallery section again by making access around more user friendly. I have also made preparations so that anyone can post their own artwork on the site and get some feedback about it.

October 16, 2001 - I have added yet another gallery to the images section. This new one is an Angel's gallery. Hope that you like it.

I have just finished adding some links around the website so that it is easier to navigate instead of tapping BACK alot.

My other new addition, and if you are reading this you will know, is that I have decided to post the 5 most recent updates right on the main page, as it seems that no one ever bothers to look in my Updates Section, I will continue to archive updates so that people can look back if they want to but for the most part the most current updates will be found on my main page.

I have improved the FF3 gallery, I have added quite a few more pics, and I have made it more user friendly. I think that I am going to try and expand it a bit more but it is hard to find FF3 pics. I expect to be upgrading my FF7 gallery very soon.

October 15, 2001 - I have made an update to the poetry section, I have added a few new poems.

I have also updated the music section by adding a section for FF7. Hope that you enjoy it.

Your opinion counts! Let me know what you want to see updated. Please help me out by voting in my poll. Thanks

If there is some work on my site that belongs to you, and you would like to have it credited to you, or removed, just let me know.

I will happily make any arrangements that you desire.

Contact me at

Page Updates

As of this date souls have entered my Realm.