This is by no means complete, but it may give you a good starting point in trying to figure out what may be wrong with your particular fish. Not all available medications are listed, just the ones I have personally used, consult with your local veterinarian or pet store professional for additionally available medications.

ALWAYS when treating fish follow the medicines manufactures directions and do not over dose.

Disease Diagnosis Chart
Caution, The disease commonly known as "ICH" is Ichthyophtirius and not Ichthyophonus, please be careful and do not confuse the two as you consult this chart.
Click Here to go directly to the Ich Treatment Page
Organs and Symptoms
Usual Causes
Skin and Fins
Bluish-white Discoloration.
Skin discolorations,Ragged fins.
Neutralization of water, test and adjust your pH
Cottony,grayish-white fungus formations
Immersions, Water Quality
Grainy White Spots
(This is Ich!)
High Nitrites
Test and perform Water changes
Sores on/in the skin,Holes,Fin Disorders
( NOT Ich!)
Spread-out gill plates
Oxygenate water
Spread-out gill plates
Increase Filtration/Water Change
"Holes", especially near/on the head
Paragon II
Whitish transparent areas, or whitish lumps, especially with Neons
Discard Fish, forget ever keeping Neons in this tank again, no matter how much you sanitize it.
Acriflavine Immersion
Paleness of the Surface
Acriflavine Immersion
Raise Temperature in Tank
Paleness of the Lens
Avoid  feeding worms
Water Changes
Swollen Belly
see related pages for best actions
Protruding Scales
Liver damaged,
Faulty diet
Change diet
Nervous System and Swim Bladder
Erratic Swimming
Destroy the Fish
Shimmy motion,
Fish often on bottom of tank
Even, High Temperature