Betty Boop has been around since the 1930's. Betty Boop actually started out as a dog character and slowly changed, over about 2 years, into the sexy icon we all know her as. There is over 100 cartoons of her. She was animated by Grim Natwick and designed by Fleischer Studios. She was in retirement until her appearance in the movie Roger Rabbit. She was the only black and white cartoon. Now, she is more popular then ever.
I have been a fan and a collector of Betty Boop for a long time now. I have shirts, car mats, earings, wallet, watches, pens, and much more. You can find just about anything you could think of with Betty Boop on it. A good place to find things on Betty Boop is at The Lighter Side. Betty Boop is appealing to so many for her curves and sexy attitude. I made this page to share with you my collection. So, take a look at my gallery and enjoy.

Betty Boop, Bimbo, Pudgy, and Koko are owned by, copyrighted by, and licensed trade marks of KING FEATURES SYNDICATE Inc. and FLEISCHER STUDIOS, Inc. All images of Betty Boop, Bimbo, Pudgy, and Koko are copyrighted by King Features Syndicate. This page is meant for personal enjoyment ONLY.