The Super Saiyans

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The legendary Super Saiyan himself is the man named Broil. It was obvious from birth that Broil was going to be one of the strongest Saiyan ever; he had a power level of 10,000. Even though Broil was born the strongest, he didn't end up being the strongest. Broil's first appearance was in DBZ Movie #8. When he saw his nemesis Goku it propelled him to turn Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin. He ended up being killed by Goku that movie. His next appearance was in DBZ Movie #10. Goku was dead in this movie, but Gohan wasn't. As soon as he saw Gohan he turned Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin. But he was killed once again. His last appearance was in DBZ Movie #11as a bio-creation. However, I think it is safe to say that Brolli was Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin in that movie, considering we can see his golden hair and his large muscle mass. The legendary Super Saiya-Jin ended up being second best, to the real legend, Goku.


The greatest fusion of all is none other than Gogeta. Gogeta being the greatest fusion? That's a no-brainer. When you take the only two Saiya-Jin capable of reaching the highest transformation and fuse them, you know you will have something lethal. Gogeta is the fusion between Goku and Vegeta. He appears in DBZ Movie #12 and Dragon Ball GT. In DBZ Movie #12, Goku and Vegeta have a very tough opponent named Janenba. Goku realizes that there is no way to win, except for fusion. The first attempt at fusion is unsuccessful, but the second works great. The moment they fused Gogeta is Super Saiya-Jin 2. He easily eliminated Janenba. Gogeta is such a strong hybrid of Saiya-Jin's, that he cannot go below Super Saiya-Jin 2. During Dragon Ball GT, when the 7 evil dragons are released Super Saiya-Jin 4 Goku and Vegeta know there is only one way to win, fusion. They fuse one last time, creating Super Saiya-Jin 4 Gogeta. He gets the job done in Dragon Ball GT. The only downside to Gogeta is that the fusion can only last 30 minutes. But the fact of the matter is; Super Saiya-Jin 4 Gogeta is the strongest character in the entire anime.


The potential to become the strongest fighter in the anime exists in Gohan. Gohan is never able to fully put his strength to use, for two reasons. One; he is only half Saiya-Jin, so him achieving Super Saiya-Jin 2 is a miraculous feat. Two; Chi-Chi never gives him a break, he never can train. Gohan is a character that is in the entire Dragon Ball Z and GT series'. The first time he achieved Super Saiya-Jin was when training with his father in the Room of Spirit and Time. He became frustrated that he was spoiled his entire life, and then the power was released. The peak of Gohan's strength was revealed in the fight with Cell. All of Gohan's friends were being beaten up, and were on the brink of death. Then Cell pushed him over the edge, when he destroyed what was left of Android #16. Gohan then became Super Saiya-Jin 2 and killed Cell. After that, he studied for years and years, unable to advance his Saiya-Jin power. Then Gohan really shot himself in the foot Saiya-Jin wise. He dropped his entire Super Saiya-Jin style, and turned to Mystic fighting. Mystic is a style that increases your power very much, but you cannot go Super Saiya-Jin. When he stopped using Mystic, it was too late. His dormant power was left to sleep forever. So throughout the rest of Dragon Ball Z, and all of Dragon Ball GT he was stuck at Super Saiya-Jin 2. Gohan had the opportunity to be the strongest, he just didn't capitalize.


Words can't express what this man means to the anime, his name is Goku. The true Saiya-Jin, the main good guy, the strongest Saiya-Jin, all these names are fit for Son Goku. I could go on expressing how strong he is all day, but let's cut to the chase. Goku first went Super Saiya-Jin in a battle with Freeza. Freeza nearly killed Piccolo, and then killed Goku's best friend Kuririn. Anger was the key to the first Super Saiya-Jin transformation. Goku erupted and turned Super Saiya-Jin. He won the battle with Freeza. After Cell announced that the Cell Games would occur, Goku left to train in the Room of Spirit and Time. While in there, he achieved the state of Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin. He vowed never to use this transformation though, because it took too much of his strength to use. Goku then set off to face Cell, but was unsuccessful. After the Cell fight, Goku was dead. He trained very much in the afterlife with the gods. While training, Goku reached Super Saiya-Jin 2. Super Saiya-Jin 2 is probably the stage we see the least of Goku in, considering he remains in the afterlife for quite a while. Years later, Goku still remains in the afterlife, training hard as usual. We don't see this transformation, but we know it happens. Goku reaches the unknown stage of Super Saiya-Jin 3. Goku was granted the ability to be able to come back to Earth. When on Earth, we get to see the great transformation for the first time, his opponent being Fat Buu. We all know the story. Goku fuses with Vegeta, they beat up Super Buu. Then Kid Buu is born. Kid Buu seems invincible. Goku then uses his trump card, the Super Genkidama. It kills Kid Buu and the universe is at peace. Then in Dragonball GT, Goku reaches the ultimate stage, Super Saiya-Jin 4. During the battle with Bebi-Vegeta, Goku is furious. To top everything off, he sees his daughter Pan crying. Goku erupts, becomes Golden Oozaru, then becomes Super Saiya-Jin 4. He kills Bebi-Vegeta and saves the day. Goku goes Super Saiya-Jin 4 to save the day many times in Dragonball GT, the last time he does is to fuse with Super Saiya-Jin 4 Vegeta and become Super Saiya-Jin 4 Gogeta. Goku never failed in the entire anime, Goku is truly the ultimate Saiya-Jin.


The son of Goku, the trouble making boy, he's called Goten. Goten is similar to Gohan in the fact that he also possesses the ability to be the strongest in the series. But just like Gohan, he has a downfall. Goten goofs off a lot. Goten is best friend's with Trunks, so he never is training. But still, Goten is very strong. Goten went Super Saiya-Jin at the mere age of 7 while training with Gohan. But Super Saiya-Jin was all he went. Even later in Dragonball GT he remained only Super Saiya-Jin. Well, not everyone's destiny is to fight, Goten found this out. Goten was involved in very few battles, except when he was fused with Trunks. Goten did possess much power, he just never released it.


The other fusion in Dragonball Z is known as Gotenks. Gotenks is a fusion between Goten and Trunks. Gotenks has very much power, but since the 2 people used to fuse him are goofballs, so is Gotenks. When Goten and Trunks fuse while in normal state, Gotenks is either normal or Super Saiya-Jin. Up until then, no fusions were ever able to power up. However, after training in the Room of Spirit and Time, Gotenks learned how to power up to Super Saiya-Jin 3. Gotenks plays a key roll in the battle with Buu. But the Saiya-Jin doesn't succeed, Buu eats him. Gotenks is never formed again after that battle, not even in Dragonball GT. Goten goes on to dating, while Trunks goes off to space. The two great fighters are separated, and so is Gotenks.

Mirai Trunks

The Super Saiya-Jin from the future, the Mysterious Youth, it's Trunks. Mirai, meaning future, Trunks comes from the future. Where he lives, no one is alive but him and Gohan. 2 androids terrorize everyone. When Gohan is killed by the androids, Trunks erupts going Super Saiya-Jin for his first time then and there. Trunks then uses a time machine built by the Capsule Corp. and goes back in time, back to a time where he can make a difference. When he arrived back in time, he found a peculiar opponent there, Freeza and his father King Cold. This "Mysterious Youth" easily disposed of both these villians. When the big trouble did come, in the form of Cell, Mirai Trunks realized that trouble might result. When his father Vegeta was held helpless at the hands of Cell, Mirai Trunks instantly went Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin. After the battle with Cell, Mirai Trunks had no place in the normal timeline. His job was to go back and kill Cell in his own timeline. So Mirai Trunks drifted away once more, never to be seen again.


Mirai Trunks of our time is called simply Trunks. Trunks is born a year before the androids arrive on the earth. Trunks grows to be a very strong boy. We know Trunks is destined to be a Super Saiya-Jin, because we've seen him from the future. The time the transformation happens is when he is 8 years old. Just like his best friend Goten, Trunks goes Super Saiya-Jin at a young age. But he has one more characteristic of his best friend, his goofiness. Both kids get into trouble all the time. But with the help of Goten, Trunks is able to create a fighting machine, Gotenks. Trunks finally separates from his best friend at the beginning of Dragonball GT, but not on purpose. He was to go to space with Goku and Goten, but Goten was held up by his girlfriend and Pan sneaked onboard. So he was stuck without his best friend. During Dragonball GT, Trunks was second best, next to Goku of course. Even with his peak of his strength being shown in Dragonball GT, Trunks never passes the first transformation, as he is stuck in Super Saiya-Jin. So did Trunks have the potential to be one of the strongest? Of course he did. But just like Goten, he had better things to do.


The prince of all Saiya-Jin's, the pride-filled man named Vegeta. If Vegeta was known for anything, it would be his pride. Secondly however, would be his wanting to be the best. Vegeta wanted to be the best Saiya-Jin there was. He even thought he was, until he ran into a third-class Saiya-Jin named Kakarroto, or as we call him, Goku. At that instant moment, Vegeta realized that he had to train to be better than this man. When Kakarroto went Super Saiya-Jin on Namek, Vegeta saw no other option but to train until he was within a blink of death. Vegeta trained under 450x gravity. To complete his training, he went to an abandoned planet, this planet would be one planet he would never forget. He was about to give up, and let himself die, however, that's when it happened. The gold streaks ran up his body and there was Super Saiya-Jin Vegeta. Vegeta was the man in charge during the entire Android Saga now that he had his new found ability. He thought he was on top of the world, however he wasn't. When he faced Cell, he then knew that he would never be as good as the "third-class soldier" Kakarroto. This just enraged him and Vegeta became Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin. But even as Ultimate Super Saiya-Jin, he was not as strong as Kakarroto. His powers weren't topped until the Majin period. Buu was running free, and the only way to defeat him was to be possessed by this Majin power, Vegeta sacrificed himself. When under this new power Vegeta had the ability to go Super Saiya-Jin 2. He sacrificed his life to try to kill Buu, but it was still to no prevail. In Dragonball GT, his wife made him a device called a Brute Wave, it has the ability to artificially make Vegeta Super Saiya-Jin 4. So Vegeta put it to good use, and became equal to Kakarroto once more. This gave Vegeta the glory he needed to fight to his full potential. So there you have it. The pride filled Vegeta finally ended up being neck and neck with his rival Kakarroto.


Goku and Vegeta using the Potarru earrings results in Vegetto. Vegeta is the dominant side of Vegetto. During the Buu saga when East Kaioshin saw no other way, he gave the Potarru earrings of fusion to Goku and told him to fuse with the strongest man he can find. And of course, this man was Vegeta. Vegeta refused it at first, but after he was beat on by Super Buu, he saw no other option. So they clipped the earrings on and there you have it, Vegetto. Super Buu and Vegetto fought neck to neck for hours. Then Vegetto decided to actually try, he went Super Saiya-Jin. He tossed Super Buu around like it was nothing. Super Buu was no problem to this new fusion. One thing that isn't very good with the Potarru earrings is that the fusion lasts forever. This "forevereness" was cancelled out when Buu ate Vegetto. Was this good or bad? Probably good. But anyway, Vegetto only is made that one time, during the battle with Super Buu. He is a lethal weapon, a very lethal weapon.

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