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LotR Trivia

I'll put a Trivia Question up and as soon as someone gets it right I'll put down their name along with the correct answer and a new question.
What is the name of Theoden's horse?
Question: What one word does Sean Bean say in all his movies?
Answer: Sean Bean says "sharp" in all his movies.
Guesser Righter - Rachel
Question:What is Legolas's horse's name that he gets from the Rohirrim?
Answer: The horse is named Arod, and Aragorn rides the horse Hasufel that the Rohirrim give to him.
Guesser Righter - Rachel
Question: What was Frodo's name originally going to be when Tolkien first wrote "The Fellowship of the Ring"?
Answer: Frodo's name was going to be "Bingo Bolger-Baggins". And the names of his traveling partners were going to be "Frodo", "Marmeduke", and "Odo".
Guesser Righter - Rachel
Question: What is the Sindarin name for the kind of 'way-bread' baked by the elves of Lothlorien?
Answer: It's called Lembas.
Guesser Righter - Shannon
Question: What is the name of Smeagol's friend who finds the ring in the River Anduin?
Answer: Smeagol's friend is named Deagol. When Deagol finds the Ring, he refuses to give it to Smeagol, who begs him for it. Smeagol kills Deagol to get the Ring and later claims that Deagol gave it to him as a birthday present.
Guesser Righter - Rachel
Question: How many times does Frodo fall down in FOTR without being pushed?
Answer: Frodo falls 8 times in FOTR without being pushed.
Guesser Righter - Shannon
Question: What is Galadriel's gift to Boromir?
Answer: Though it wasn't shown in the theatrical or extended edition movie, Galadriel gave Boromir a belt.
Guesser Righter: NO ONE!!! (i just got bored and decided to put up a new one)
Question: What two things about Legolas's physical description does Tolkien never tell?
Answer: Tolkien never reveals Legolas's age or hair color.
Guesser Righter: Shannon got half of it right - but no one guessed age
Question: Although they are considered immortal because they are not susceptable to age or disease, there are two ways elves can die. What are they?
Answer: Elves can be slain in battle or die of a broken heart.
Guesser Righter - Shannon
Question: What are Merry and Pippin's full names
Answer: Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took.
Guesser Righter - Shannon
Question: What did Bilbo ask Gollum in their riddle contest that caused Gollum to lose and become angry?
Answer: "What have I got in my pocket?" Bilbo actually was thinking out loud and didn't mean for it to be a riddle. But Gollum began to guess, and so it counted. Gollum didn't get it right, so Bilbo won.
Guesser Righter - Shannon

Question: What was Gollum's name when he still resembeled a hobbit?(Before he got the Ring)
Answer: Gollum was named Smeagol, but after he got the ring he began to make strange sounds in his throat that sounded like "gollum", hence the new name.
Guesser Righter - Shannon
Question: What is the name of Boromir's brother?
Answer: Boromir's brother is named Faramir which, interestingly, is also later the name of Pippin's son.
Guesser Righter - Shannon