Under the Lizard's Rock
Gilmore Girls NitPick Season 2


Cool Stuff
About Me
Inside Jokes
Song of the Week
Quiz Index
My Artwork
My LotR Backgrounds
My LotR Backgrounds 2


01 - Sadie, Sadie

  • When Lorelai is reading the wedding magazine in the newsstand, a person in gray walking in. They the same person appears walking into the newsstand, and then again we can see the previous scene. (submitted by GaBi)

  • After Lorelai and Max talking on the phone about the ring, she says he was going to surprise her in the next day. Sometime later, Rory asks Dean to go over a Friday dinner, next week. Then, time lapses, and after this Friday dinner, Max shows up to give Lorelai the ring. So, now in GG, one week lasts the same as one day? (submitted by GaBi)

  • It's been only a day since Max sent Lorelai all those flowers and Rory told Dean she loved him. Yet, the first time we see Dean, he's got a tan. (submitted by Mike)

  • In the Gilmore mansion, the wall behind the seat where Lorelai and Rory sit while they wait for dinner is gone. Now you can see the staircase to the second floor. (submitted by Mike)

  • When Lorelai and Rory are going into Luke's Diner to tell him about the marriage. Rory's hair in the doorway outside the diner is inside her shirt as soon as she walks into the diner her hair is now on the outside of the shirt and nicely combed. (submitted by Maria T.)

  • In the scene where Lorelai and Rory are in the kitchen and Max calls, Lorelai is putting paper towels on plates. After the camera cuts to Max the 4th time, the paper towels are no longer on the plates. Instead it's just a bunch of plates. (submitted by Danielle)

  • Before Lorelai, Rory and Dean arrive for the dinner at Gilmore mansion, Richard goes to his study to get Menckens Chrestomathy that hes giving to Rory. In "Kill Me Now" its the same book that he gives Rory towards the end of the episode. (submitted by Elleveesee)

02 - Hammers and Veils

  • Henry gives Rory his phone number to give to Lane. She should already have it because she called him in Emily in Wonderland.

  • On one Friday evening dinner, Emily mentions that Richard has an early flight the next morning. The next day is when Rory works for Rebuilding Together. She comes home and Lorelai leaves for her date with Max. During this date, she gets upset that her parents don't seem to care about her impending wedding while his parents do. They go over to Emily and Richard's house, where Emily says "Richard and I were just getting ready to go to bed". Shouldn't he be out of town? He just left that morning! (submitted by Stephanie)

  • Richard asks Rory if he can talk to her (about how he was sorry for how he acted), she says yes, if you notice then Rory's hair is below her chest. Then the camera stays in the same room and shows Lorelai and Emily talking. Then it goes to the outside where Richard and Rory are talking and there Rory's hair is a little below her shoulder. The two of them talk and then the camera goes to a diffrent angle when Rory is coming back into the house and her hair is below her chest again. (submitted by Theresa)

  • In Love and War and Snow when Rory is looking at her mother's photos she shows one of Emily and Richard's wedding photos. Emily is wearing a long veil -- but in Hammers and Veils when Lorelai asks her mother what she should wear for her wedding, Emily tells her that she should wear a tiara because that is what she did. (submitted by Amanda)

  • Rory forgets the coffee thermos bottle cover as she heads out to go to the build-a-house project. (submitted by Elleveesee)

03 - Red Light on the Wedding Night

  • Rory and Dean's original anniversary (as celebrated in Star-Crossed Lovers & Other Strangers) was the date after Rory's birthday, the 9th. In Red Light on the Wedding Night, Dean says their anniversary was the 24th.

  • When Lorelai, Max and Rory are having breakfast at Luke's, they get three red coffee mugs. The mugs get filled up and in the next shot they are blue. Change shot, then they are red again. (submitted by Erin, Colaholic Pixie, Maria T., Jesi, Sammi, Kim, Laura)

  • When Rory and Lorelai are tasting cakes at the bakery, Rory takes several bites of the raspberry cake. When the camera shows the cake over her shoulder, all of it is there, untouched. (submitted by Zoe)

  • At Fran's bakery Lorelai picks out a quote for the wedding invitations, but the next day she asks Luke if he got his yet. So did Lorelai and Rory print out all the invitations that evening and then send them all out too? (submitted by Tara)

  • When Rory & Lorelai were tasting cakes at Fran's notice Rory's right arm while Fran was talking to Lorelai. She's holding a fork but when the camera focuses on Fran's face, Rory's arm is at her side. It continues back and forth. (submitted by Nur Hamim)

04 - Road Trip to Harvard

  • Before Rory and Lorelai entered Suzie's dorm Lorelai didn't have a camera around her shoulder, but when they entered the dorm she had a camera around her shoulder and took a picture of Rory sitting down at the desk. (submitted by Mary)

  • Rory told Lane that she went to Harvard where, amongst other things, she saw "where I might stay next year" meaning dorms. This is a bit of a mistake. Rory is a third year high school student. She still has all of this year AND all of next year to go before graduating from Chilton. In otherwords, two years. (submitted by Mike, Liviya)

  • When Rory and Lorelai are driving away from Stars Jollow it shows the car driving through a deserted stars hollow on a clear night. But then, it cuts to them in the car, and you can see the rain dripping off the windows behind them. (submitted by Mmsk8star2000)

  • Lorelai and Rory and talking with some B&B patrons. Lorelai stands and excuses herself to make a phone call. The camera cuts to Rory trying to dissuade Lorelai from leaving her alone. Lorelai's right hand is seen just hanging down in front of her. Immediately after, the camera pans out to both Rory and Lorelai. Lorelai's hand is hanging up without moving it. (submitted by ElleveeSee)

05 - Nick&Nora/Sid&Nancy

  • After Lorelai and Luke get into a fight and Rory goes into Luke's to get a danish and coffee, after Luke gives her the danish and coffee, Rory just walks out without paying him. (submitted by Danielle)

  • At the end after Jess gives Rory her book back and she turns to leave, she closes the book, but after the screen cuts, the book is completely open. (submitted by Danielle)

  • The scene begins with Luke struggling with groceries as he walks to the diner. The groceries are supposed to have been bought from Dooses Market judging from the logo on the paper bags. However, as Luke walks back to the diner, he did not come from Dooses Market direction. Its Lorelai who is seen walking from that direction where she meets the struggling Luke in front of the diner. Lukes also carrying a bag of inflatable bed granting he bought it from a store located on that side right across Miss Pattys studio, hence walking from that direction. But this is unlikely because Jess arrives in SH 10:00 a.m. and that scene was to have occurred before Jess arrival and department stores dont open before 10:00a.m. on weekdays. (submitted by Elleveesee)

06 - Presenting Lorelai Gilmore

  • When Lorelai is copying Christopher's number she starts out writing on a small piece of paper and then in the next shot she is holding an entire spiral notebook. (submitted by TorBaby2000, Danielle, Zahily, Suz)

07 - Like Mother, Like Daughter

  • Rorys sorority "kidnappers" enter from the back door/kitchen door and rather quickly from the time Rory hears their car pull in. (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • When Lorelai suggests the Independence Inn as venue for the Boosters fundraiser, she says "Its in Stars Hollow". In "Christopher Returns," Straub asks Lorelai what shes been doing with her life, she says, "Well, Straub, I run an inn near Stars Hollow." And in "The Lorelais First Day at Chilton", Lorelai tells the Chilton father whom she asks for directions to the headmasters office that she works at the Independence Inn but fails to mention where it is located. Nevertheless, the man appears at the inn for a luncheon meeting. (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • As Emily and Lorelai are handed the dress theyre wearing for the fashion show, in the background a mother is seen fitting a dress but during the actual fashion show, a different mother is modeling that dress. (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • During the Boosters meeting, Ava tells Lorelai that everyone in that room is modeling the clothes for the fundraiser. At the actual fashion show, Aubrey is nowhere to be found. (submitted by Elleveesee)

09 - Run Away, Little Boy

10 - The Bracebridge Dinner

  • Everyone is together including Dean and Rory's grandparents. This should be the first time they've seen each other since the fight in Sadie Sadie, but there is no tension or acknowledgement of their previous meeting. In fact they are very comfortable together when he's telling them all a story. (submitted by Liviya)
  • At the Inn's lobby, while Sookie is briefing the staff, plus Jackson and Kirk, on their roles in the festivities, Lorelai butts in to tell her the dinner is off due to the snowed-in Bracebridge group. The camera pans out showing Rune's side view with his left hand leaning on the table. Immediately after, the camera pans out to Rune's front side and his right hand is not leaning on the table at all. (submitted by ElleveeSee)

11 - Secrets and Loans

  • Paris bugs Rory to tell her her PSAT test results over the phone. After she hangs up, Lorelai comments, "God, you know, I think if we put Paris and my mother in a room together the world would implode". Paris and Emily have been in one room, at the Bracebridge dinner. (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • At the diner, Lorelai and Rory talk about PSAT results. As the camera cuts between Rory and Lorelai, the position of Lorelai's hands keep changing without her moving them. (submitted by ElleveeSee)

12 - Richard in Stars Hollow

  • When Rory and Paris are getting off the bus in Stars Hollow they don't get off at Rory's regular bus stop. (submitted by Erin)

13 - A-Tisket, A-Tasket

  • On the bridge, when Rory finally gives in to the pizza (while Jess is evasive), She loses her bracelet, given to her by Dean. As she walks away, Jess crouches and sees it. He has the basket in his right hand. The shot then closes up on him and now he's holding the basket in his left hand. (submitted by Kenny)

14 - It Should've Been Lorelai

  • After the debate at Chilton, Lorelai and Rory discuss between themselves where to take Christopher and Sherry. On their way back to the hallway where Christopher, Sherry and Sookie are waiting, the camera follows Lorelai and Rory. A student standing by the door on the right walks ahead of them passing Christopher. Then the camera cuts to Chistopher and Sherrys back showing Lorelai and Rory walking towards the group and the student is seen walking across them and had not passed Christopher just yet. (submitted by Elleveesee)

15 - Lost and Found

  • After Rory finds her bracelet in her bedroom she leaves Lorelai who goes over the window and sees Jess putting away garbage bags. Lorelai goes out the side door to pay Jess and the window from that side is supposed to be the living room, whereas Rorys room is on the other side of the house. (submitted by Elleveesee)

16 - There's the Rub

  • Rory orders Indian food. After a few minutes, Jess arrives with diner food. They eat Jess' care package which could have taken long enough for the Indian food to arrive (40 minutes as Rory is heard as she talks on the phone). What happened to the Indian food? (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • In the kitchen, when Jess argues with Rory while unpacking the food-package, his jack-collar is switching. One moment it's up, the next it's perfectly down. (submitted by Kenny)

17 - Dead Uncles and Vegetables

  • When Lorelai, Rory and Luke are upstairs (in the diner), Rory's sleeves are down. Then it shows Lorelai and/or Luke and cuts back to Rory. This time her sleeves are up. Then it cuts back to Luke and/or Lorelai, then back to Rory and her sleeves are down again. (submitted by GG Keeper)

18 - Back in the Saddle Again

  • When Sookie takes the phone from Lorelai to talk to the guy about her wedding invitations she closes the part of the cell phone you talk into so she couldn't have talked to him. (submitted by Allison T.)

  • Emily adamantly holds dinner for Richard despite Lorelais pleas. When Richard finally comes into the dining room and realizes his family hasn't started dinner, Emily says, "We are waiting for you, Richard. In 35 years I have never ever started dinner without you unless you were out of town or seriously ill." But in "Hammers and Veils", Emily tells Lorelai and Rory they're starting dinner right away as Richard had a six o'clock flight the next morning. Lorelai says, "Shouldn't we wait for Dad?" "Don't worry about him", Emily answers. Then they start eating. (submitted by Elleveesee)

19 - Teach Me Tonight

  • Wednesday, 6:45 a.m., the phone rings while Lorelai and Rory brainstorm about movie titles. Lorelai refuses to answer the phone and asks Rory to answer it because she knows its Christopher (7 oclock Wednesdays being his must-call day to Rory} whom shes avoiding after a fight in previous episode. In "It Should've Been Lorelai", Christophers call dates to Rory is supposedly 7:00 p.m., Wednesdays, as Sherry points out to Lorelai. (submitted by Elleveesee)

20 - Help Wanted

  • In Teach Me Tonight when Rory got her cast, Lane put the Emily the Strange sticker on the cast to that when Rory had her arm down, Emily's head was head-up. In Help Wanted it's the opposite direction. (submitted by Drew)

  • During the conversation between Lorelai and Richard (when she tells him she can't help him any more as his secretary), watch the bottle of Perrier in front of Lorelai. Partway through the conversation, every time it cuts back to Lorelai from Richard the bottle is turned slightly. She never drinks, and the cuts are quick with the dialogue, but the bottle label points left, then center, then right, and back to center, and so forth. (submitted by Peter)

  • While waiting to be seated at the Hungry Diner, Lorelai and Rory would have had the chance to notice Michel already seated in one of the tables especially when Lorelai counts the number of vacant tables to prove a point to Rory as to the unnecessary long wait. (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • At the inauguration of Richards office Lorelai and Rory get into a heated argument in the hallway. Rory decides to go home and says she still can catch her regular bus. She does not have a purse with her. How is she going to pay for bus fare? (submitted by Elleveesee)

  • Rory runs into Luke as he unloads his fishing stuff from his truck. Luke must have been gone fishing for a week. He invites Rory for coffee at the diner and offers her donuts. I wonder how those donuts lasted that long, and in room temperature at that. (submitted by Elleveesee)

21 - Lorelai's Graduation Day

  • Rory and Jess didn't pay for their hot dogs. (submitted by Liviya)

  • Lorelai didn't want Emily and Richard at her graduation. How then did Rory get the tickets to the ceremony that she gave to her grandparents? (submitted by ElleveeSee)

22 - I Can't Get Started

  • When Christopher leaves Lorelai and Emily to talk he says he's going to get them drinks. When we see Christopher again he's talking with Rory. (submitted by Jessica E.)

  • When Christopher and Rory are talking they come in from the left (which is the direction we assume the wedding is) but they both exit to the right. (submitted by Jessica E.)

  • At the end when Rory and Lorelai start walking down in the wedding ceremony, where's Sookie? Isn't she supposed to come after them? And why are they coming from behind the altar? (submitted by Jessica E.)