"Toms Mule Jack"
Tom had a mule by the name of Jack His ears were so long they
laid back Jack could open any door that was closed Just by shoving and pushing with his nose
Tom told Jack "No longer will you steal my hay" "I am putting a stop to this nonsense today" A
steel trap to the barn door he did nail Jack stood watching and shook his tail
I really don't
need to tell you the rest I guess Jack thought it was some kind of test Up went his nose just
to see And the trap went off, he couldn't get free
Tom came a running after hearing the noise
He hollered at Mayme to get the boys That darn trap had come a loose and slipped It had caught
poor Jack by the lip
The show was on so they say Jack and the door was running away The
rest of the story Tom took the rap For catching a mule in a steel trap
My dad used to laugh
about this. He said they had a hard time catching the mule and getting him out of the trap.