We at RUEL SOUND are obligated to only release quality sounds that are positive in nature.
We feel that we owe our listeners the respect that is due them and we also have a responsibility to the generation that is
coming up. I'm talking about the young children.
We have to set an example so that they may know that the music industry is not only about making
money but at RUEL SOUNDS, we want to set an example and not use any kind of propaganda on our audience or their children.
In short, we only deal with talented acts that have mastered their craft, not the ones
that give excuses for genocidal music and say, "If I wasn't doing this, I'll be sell drugs, or working at a fast food restaurant."
We feel that we are all responsible to keep our children safe from harmful lyrics and negative
acts that only sell out for the all mighty dollar.
We want to make the kind of music that mother's would buy and their children would want.