32nd Infantry Regiment Association $20.00 Annual Fee; $10.00 for soldiers currently assigned to the "Chosin!" battalion. Dear Veteran of the 32nd Infantry "Queen's Own" Regiment, The Association of the 32nd would like to invite you to join our group. The association was started in 1988 and now has more than 600 members. It is for any man or woman that served with the Second Ranger Company, 48th FA Battalion, 13th Combat Engineers, 15th AAA AW Battalion, and our active duty 1st Bn 32nd now stationed at Fort Drum, NY. We enjoyed the participation of the 3rd Bn 32nd when stationed at Fort Benning, GA and many of those members are active with our group today. We have annual reunions, publish four newsletters per year, have a full slate of officers and board members. Join us for the camaraderie and friendship that seems to make the wars of the past a little easier to take. We meet someone new with each issue of our "Messenger." Fill out the application, print it out and join one of the best groups around. Mail application and dues to this address or call: 32nd Infantry Regiment Association 352-597-5912 go to: MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Current slate of officers: President: LTC Andrew F.
Dyckson, Ret. Board of Directors: Chairman: Col. Robert E.
Jones, Ret.
The honorary Colonel and the honorary Command Sergeant Major of the 32nd Infantry Regiment.
Battalion Commander 1974-75, S. Korea |