
Burton Wilkins is a Key 

.Net Programmer / Analyst

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Salesman Analysis (May 79 - Jan 92)

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This Salesman Analysis system was one of a series of legacy systems created by Burton Wilkins while he owned and operated B&W Computer, Ltd. in Ottawa, Canada.   This system was sold as a turnkey systems, packaged with other standard systems of Mr. Wilkins creation to clients along with customized programming for their company's specific needs.   Beyond the initial sale, Mr. Wilkins maintained and updated these systems year by year at his hourly rate, and continued to offer customized programming to his established customer base.  


This turnkey system provided for the following business features:

  • This system compared salesman performance to corporate sales, projected commissions by gross or net, detailed salesman's individual sales, and could thereby be used to justify advances.
  • Interactive Turnkey data base system.
  • Multi-terminal, time-sharing support.
  • Limitless Capacity:  Supported one to 100 companies, 850,000 salesman, and a million sales entries.
  • Shipped customer orders updated salesman's detail instantly.
  • Data files never needed reorganization.

Menu Options

  • Salesman File Maintenance:  This table maintenance stored salesmen's names and addresses.  For each salesman, two years monthly sales history was sustained by gross sales, gross profit, and by profit center commission percent.   A set flag in each salesman record determined whether commissions would be based on sales or profits.
  • Salesman Commission Inquiry:  This inquiry displayed the salesman's month-to-date sales for any month during the corporate year, or for an entire year, with an optional printout.  The inquiry would detail, gross sales, profits, and calculated commissions, ratios to total company month-to-date sales and gross profit by invoice, and credit memo.  Commissions were based upon delivered goods, but could be set for orders placed.
  • Salesman Analysis Report:  This was management's tool to review individual salesman performance.   This report displayed for each salesman a 24-month review, providing a true picture of profitability and performance.    Performance was based upon sales participation to the entire sales staff, gross sales, gross profit, sales percent of profitability, and commissions earned.    The analysis the report offered compared performance this month to this month last year, current year-to-date performance to last year's year-to-date performance, monitoring weakness and improvements, and listed activity on a monthly and year-to-date basis.
  • Monthly Sales Itemization:  This report showed the same month-to-date activity as the inquiry, but in report form salesman by salesman.  The report gave detail support for month-to-date sales and profit balances stored and used in the Salesman Analysis Report.
  • Open Salesman Itemization:   This report printed orders out-standing by salesman.  This report was used by management to justify any advances on orders placed, but not yet filled.
  • Year-End Sales Analysis Purge:   This process purged detail in the salesman detail file, and rolled over history within the salesman file.
  • Salesman Report.


This software system required the following:

  • Hardware:                            IBM 486 PC or clone, or Digital VAX.
  • Operating System:             MS-DOS, VAX-VMS, or TSX-32.
  • Prerequisite Systems:       B&W Order Entry system,  B&W Power Pack system.

This turnkey system was written as a package  in Dibol / DBL.

When you need a gun, what programmer do you call?  Burton Wilkins, "Have Gun - Will Travel"  Send mail to burton_wilkins@classicclasses.com with questions or comments about this web site.