
Burton Wilkins is a Key 

.Net Programmer / Analyst

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Security System (Feb 99)

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The School Department’s Budgeting system required security; in that management required the ability to limit access to various processes to certain users. This stand-alone program facilitated that end. The program was composed of a single form with four major tabs or sub screens, which perform the following purposes:

  • Users Add, change or delete names, user Ids, and passwords of users privileged to access the budgeting system.

  • Menus – Define, change or delete the names of major system menus or categories that sub-processes are attached to.

  • Sub Processes Define, change or delete the names of sub-processes as child records associated with menus and major categories.

  • User Options Define, change or delete the names of sub-processes as child records to individual users that these users are allowed to access and run. This facility also allowed a user to acquire a copy of another user’s option privileges to enable the creation of general job definitions.

When a user runs the School Department’s Budgeting system, the user only sees and thus may only access those user options that the user is privileged to access.

When you need a gun, what programmer do you call?  Burton Wilkins, "Have Gun - Will Travel"  Send mail to burton_wilkins@classicclasses.com with questions or comments about this web site.